Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2549: Injury is equivalent to death

Chapter 2549 Injury is equivalent to death

Countless blood-colored threads invaded the transparent body of the water elemental spirit, and the water elemental spirit immediately turned red.

"Master, it hurts!"

The water elemental spirit uttered a painful scream, and his round body was twisted.

The mirror world that relies on the spirit of the water element is quickly contaminated by countless **** threads.

To use the mirror world, she must rely on the spirit of the water element. Now that the spirit of the water element and the mirror world are polluted, she cannot use the mirror world.

She did not use secret language to tell Di Lingtian and Zi Shuilan what they wanted to do, but moved in her heart to think of using the mirror world, and the attack of this blood evil heart came through her enchantment. .

The attack of the Heart of Blood Fiend was silent and invisible, and she didn't notice it at all.

All this caused Jun Mohuang's heart to alarm.

This is the power of the Primordial God Realm. If it weren't for her, Di Lingtian and Zi Shuilan would each have a self-defense weapon. I am afraid that the three of them would have already become water elemental spirit crystals.

These thoughts flashed, this is not a flash.

Jun Mohuang sent out a water element, and wanted a purification technique to help the spirit of the water element purify the **** thread in the body.

Water purification is useless.

Jun Mohuang began to try various pill to heal the spirit of the water element.

Di Lingtian and Zi Shuilan had already changed positions long before she started to heal the spirit of the water element, protecting Jun Mo Phoenix tightly.

The Heart of Blood Fiend started to flick its tentacles frantically, attacking the two.

Jun Mohuang freed his hand to rescue the spirit of the water element, which meant that Di Lingtian and Zi Shuilan had to withstand a three-way attack.

On the one hand, it is the white energy line, on the second is the dense blood people, and the third is the Heart of Blood Fiend.

The suppression of the white energy line is everywhere, the blood man is like a tarsal maggot, just after being broken up and condensed, the momentum and strength gradually grow.

But these two are nothing compared with the Heart of Blood Fiend.

The aura of the two began to consume wildly.

Di Lingtian and Zi Shuilan released the pressure to the extreme, and the strongest attack methods were endless.

The two lives withstand the heart of blood evil in the original spirit realm, creating a safe space for the heart of Jun Mohuang to save the water element.

Seeing this, Jun Mohuang directly threw the nine yuan thunder eel in the space ring to Di Lingtian and Zi Shuilan.

"Wow, what are you doing, there are so many people out here, I don't want to go out, I don't want to!"

Jiuyuan Thunder Eel was directly frightened.

It wasn't that it didn't know the situation of Jun Mohuang and the others, it was because it was afraid of crowds.

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and launch a lightning ball attack, otherwise you will be the next person to be contaminated."

Jun Mohuang also didn't bother to reason with it.

Di Lingtian and Zi Shuilan resisted so many attacks, they would get injured if they didn't pay attention.

In this case, injury is equivalent to death.

Jun Mohuang couldn't see that the two of them took such a big risk and directly moved the Nine Yuan Thunder Eel to the Emperor Lingtian defensive enchantment with supernatural powers.

Di Lingtian glanced at the nine yuan thunder eel with **** eyes, "Listen to Huang'er, otherwise, the deity wouldn't mind waiting for you to eat it. The meat quality of the eel is always good."

Di Lingtian's eyes were like scraping bones with a steel knife, and the nine-yuan thunder eel felt that his fish scales were forcibly hung up.

If it is not made as required, Di Lingtian will really take out a cutting board, take out a kitchen knife, and chop it into eel rice.

"Okay, okay, can't I fight yet."

Jiuyuan Thunder Eel was crying with a face, and cursed the Gold Swallowing Beast tens of thousands of times in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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