Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2548: Water elemental spirit is polluted

Chapter 2548 The spirit of the water element is contaminated

Ten thousand catties of pressure were on the backs of the three.

To resist this coercion and protect the defensive enchantment, you can only consume your own aura crazily.

With the burst of white energy lines, the blood pool in the hall surged wildly.

The blood people who were still struggling to crawl out of the blood pool were thrown directly into the air by a mainland force.

A majestic red light rose from the blood pool, and a heart slowly rose in the red light.

This heart kept beating, dripping drops of blood, turning into **** tentacles flying all over the sky.

There are hundreds of tentacles, each of which is hundreds of meters long, clustered around this slowly beating heart, flying high in the sky.

The blood man was respectful and immediately gave way for the heart and let it fly to the place where the three of them were.

As it got closer and closer to the three people, the blood-colored heart began to beat faster, and it felt the powerful power of the three people in front.

This is the strength it needs. After being trapped here for so many years, it finally has fresh food delivered to its door. It will definitely not be polite.

It wants to swallow the three people, absorb all the energy of the three, and further purify it.

Jun Mohuang looked at the floating heart, his lips pressed tightly.

This scene is so familiar. When she went to the water mirror world to get the water mirror heart, the water mirror heart looked like a heart.

However, the heart of the water mirror is transparent.

And this one was covered by a dense blood, and there were already signs of faint blackness.

"Heart of Blood Fiend."

Di Lingtian looked at this blood-colored heart that suddenly appeared, and there was a flash of blood in his eyes.

It is no wonder that those blood evil spirits are so smart, they can still regroup after being attacked, it turns out that blood evil spirits have been born.

This is what his dear brother wants, he just wants to kill him.

Countless blood people and white energy lines, at the moment the **** heart appeared, their respective strengths began to skyrocket.

The pressure on Jun Mohuang, Di Lingtian, and Zi Shuilan became stronger and stronger.

The aura consumption speed of the three people suddenly increased to ten times.

Not only Di Lingtian, but Jun Mohuang and Zi Shuilan had already understood that they were unable to completely eliminate the blood man because of the blood evil heart.

The three of them used their main power to deal with this **** heart.

However, this heart of blood evil was nurtured by the white energy lines of all the blood and essence of the gods over the years.

The energy contained in it was so rich that Jun Mohuang could not imagine it.

The strength of the Heart of Blood Fiend must be around the Primordial Divine Realm, and the three attacking this heart is like tickling it.

The Blood Fiend Heart waved its tentacles, easily smashing the attack of the three.

Even if Di Lingtian, Jun Mohuang, and Zi Shuilan had a thousand methods, no matter how clever or powerful they were, they couldn't make up the difference in the realm of strength after all.

This is why everyone wants to become a soul once they have the conditions.

The absolute energy of the Yuanshen Realm is really too powerful.

Now, the three of them not only have to deal with the coercion of the white energy lines and the **** people taking advantage of the chaos, but also face the heart of blood evil in the original spirit realm.

The only way now is to use the mirror world of the water elemental spirit.

In the mirror world, she is the master of everything, and she can control all lives as she wants, including the heart of the blood evil spirit in the original spirit realm.

However, Jun Mohuang had this thought in her mind, and the spirit of the water element suspended in her enchantment suddenly let out a scream.

Chapter 2 first

(End of this chapter)

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