Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2547: The Heart of Blood Fiend is here

Chapter 2547 The Heart of Blood Fiend Appears

In the blood pool, densely packed blood people began to crawl out of the blood pool.

Sensing the location of the three of them, the translucent blood-colored body crawled out and flew into the sky lightly, presenting an enveloping situation, and approaching the three.

Di Lingtian said: "It is the blood evil spirit produced by the blood of the gods. Be careful not to get them."

Jun Mohuang and Zi Shuilan understood.

Protoss contains powerful energy, so that after tens of thousands of years of death, their bodies will not rot.

For practitioners at this time, blood is the essence of the human body.

The energy contained in the blood of the Protoss should not be underestimated.

These protoss killed each other because of unknown reasons, and blood flowed out of their bodies.

Over the years, under the nourishment of the strong white energy lines in the meteorite, the blood of the gods has produced some spiritual wisdom.

This is the so-called blood evil.

Xue Sha longed to draw nourishment from the new life in order to be able to continuously purify, and wanted to swallow the three.

Once it is contaminated by a tiny bit, the blood evil spirit will invade the body.

With the current strength of Jun Mohuang, Di Lingtian, and Zi Shuilan, knowing that the Blood Fiend had invaded, although there was a way to clear them, they felt very responsive.

They can't go. If they leave, there will definitely be Blood Fiend drifting out of the enchantment with the three of them. When the time comes, other people outside will be contaminated, and the consequences will be disastrous.

What's more, the blood evil spirit has limited intelligence, so clever enough to quietly follow the three of them, slowly gathering and strengthening the hands.

These blood evil spirits are probably not simple.

The new defensive enchantment was once again wrapped around the bodies of the three, and the three shot at the same time. In the sky, various energies exploded, and the blood man was torn apart again, turning into **** threads in the sky.

But soon, the broken **** threads reunited and reunited into blood people.

These blood people were broken up twice in a row, and the rage was abnormal.

They uttered a simple and inconsistent roar, each with a great momentum, attacking the three with teeth and claws.

The three looked at each other and attacked again.

The last few times were the same as the first two times, instead of reducing the number of blood people, their momentum and strength became stronger.

Jun Mohuang tried a variety of attacks, ink flames, thunder element, gold element, colorful halo, Nine Feather Flame Phoenix Art, a pair of flying blades, talisman attacks, etc., all did not work.

She released the spirit of the water element, and the water element scattered all over the sky to purify these blood evil spirits, and found that the blood evil spirit could not be purified.

The torn blood person turns into blood lines, and it will still regroup.

And as the blood people were torn more and more times, instead of being weak, they were absorbing the attacks from the three people and turning them into their own energy, and their aura and strength increased exponentially.

Di Lingtian and Zi Shuilan also issued all their attacks. Whether it was the double blood moon attack of Emperor Lingtian or Zi Shuilan's Ziyun, they couldn't really completely eliminate the blood man.

The three of them looked more serious than ever, and they all resorted to every means they could use.

The white energy lines all over the sky, densely packed blood people, have occupied the entire space.

The two energies were brought together to directly block Jun Mohuang and Zi Shuilan from the formation that left outside at a critical moment.

It also directly suppressed Jun Mohuang's phoenix space.

In other words, even if the two of them are facing a life and death crisis, they cannot be directly teleported outside, let alone escape into the Phoenix Space.

At the top, the white energy lines emitted by the white spar changed from the mild and harmless before, exerting crazy pressure on the three.

(End of this chapter)

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