Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2527: Refresh the lower limit immediately

Chapter 2527 will refresh the lower limit immediately

"Father, you... how can you say that." Baili Yunsheng was extremely disappointed with the Patriarch of Baili.

"Unfortunately, the emperor does not agree with his father's remarks, nor can he give you the ice and fire dual element spirit crystal, so that you can give it to the gods of the heavenly spirit world first. Father and mother should not bother in vain."

After Yun Lan finished speaking, leading Mo Xi, Baili Yun Sheng walked to the other side, waiting for Jun Mohuang's arrival.

Madam Baili called Yun Lan several times, but Yun Lan ignored them.

Madam Baili became anxious, "Husband, what should I do!"

Without getting the ice and fire dual element spirit crystal from Yun Lan, the two of them would not be able to recommend Yun Lan to Luo Chen.

"Madam, stay safe and restless."

Patriarch Baili's eyes flashed, looking at Yun Lan's back.

"Everyone! Everyone! A pair of children in my family was deceived by the woman of the Dragon Emperor and turned into a denial of the six relatives. Please help from the adults of the spirit race to let the pair of children come back to us, and don't be fooled by that woman again!"

If the soft one doesn't work, come the hard one.

Before Jun Mohuang came back, he acted first.

There are close to tens of thousands of spirit races here, and they shot together, Yun Lan, as the emperor of the Bafang Profound Realm, is not an opponent.

"Father, you... how can you do this!"

Baili Yunsheng thought that his disappointment with his parents just now was the limit.

Patriarch Baili couldn't wait, and immediately set the lower limit.

Asking the spirits for help, this is just a euphemism.

The real purpose of Patriarch Baili is to let these spirit races take action, capture the three of them, and use strong means to obtain the two elemental spirit crystals. ’

"Patriarch Baili, this is your family affair, you should solve it yourself."

After hearing what Yun Lan said before, most of the spirit races no longer dared to be interested in Baili's affairs.

They had already found enough ice and fire dual element spirit crystals according to Luo Chen's request, and there was no need to **** them.

On the contrary, a small number of Spirit Races were eager to try, but seeing that everyone was quiet, they immediately decided to follow the trend.

"You... adults, you can't refuse..."

What else did Patriarch Baili say? A black flying boat came in the air.

The flying boat is so huge that it directly covers the sky above and makes the light on the ground below immediately dim.

A huge purple spar fell from the sky, and in the purple spar, there were countless purple arcs surging continuously.

Jun Mohuang, Di Lingtian, and Zi Shuilan came in the air, following the thunder element spar.

Everyone below retreats as fast as possible, and such a large piece of thunder element spar hits the barrier, it will definitely shake the world.

If you don't run farther, you will be seriously injured if you die.

"School girl, catch it!"

With a flick of Yun Lan's sleeve, a space ring turned into a meteor and flew towards Jun Mohuang.

Jun Mohuang Subai flipped his palm lightly, caught the space ring, and a smile overflowed on his lips.

"Senior, thank you."

Yun Lan nodded to Jun Mohuang from across the air, hugged Mo Xi, the imperial crown overflowed with three energy, one of them wrapped Baili Yunsheng, and the remaining two wrapped the Baili Patriarch and his wife.

Yun Lan led the five people back quickly.

"You... you let me go, I can fly by myself."

Mo Xi's body was stiff, and a red cloud appeared on his small face.

This was the first time that the two of them had intimate actions since they were kissed by Yun Lan in the Bafang Profound Realm last time.

"Your speed is too slow, you will be hurt by the air current that waits for a while."

When the Patriarch Baili and Mrs. Baili saw Yun Lan personally carrying Mo Xi, the two looked at each other, and both saw sternness and viciousness in each other's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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