Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2528: Must take her life

Chapter 2528 must take her life

No, this little **** has too much influence on his son, and must take her life in the holy pond.

Everyone is backing quickly.

When they retreated, their eyes were fixed on the thunder element spirit crystal.

I couldn't help being shocked, a whole piece of Thunder Elemental Spirit Crystal veins were dug up, and the Devil Emperor, Dragon Emperor, and Beast Emperor joined forces in the past three years, and it was really big.

The spirit races couldn't help but start to worry about Luo Chen, and it was not a wise move to be enemies with, four mainland masters.

After the purple thunder elemental spirit crystal vein was thrown down by Jun Mohuang, a large number of thunder elements awakened.

The crackling sound when rubbing against the air is getting louder and louder.

The purple thunder element spar is like a purple nuclear bomb, smashing into the barrier.


At this moment, the world is shaking together.

Violet light pierced everyone's eye sockets, and their eyes were dizzy, vaguely seeing many purple arcs twisting and raging.

Before they could see exactly what was going on, no one dared to look again.

A huge purple thunder and lightning hammer beat their minds, as if there were thousands of needles in their brains.

Looking further, they will not only be blind, but even their spiritual consciousness will be destroyed.

A wave of extremely strong air impacted, and it was about to cut the world in half.

The slow-flying spirit race was swept to the extreme edge, as if suffering a heavy blow.

He let out a scream, unable to support his body falling.

The companions of these people didn't dare to come forward to save them at all, because they knew very well in their hearts that not only would they not be able to save them, but they would take their own lives.

Seeing this, many people had already stopped, which would make them move back madly.

No one wants to be the soul under the explosion of the Thunder Elemental Spirit Crystal.

In the air, Di Lingtian and Zi Shuilan stretched out their hands at the same time, and the red aura and purple aura spread wildly, forming a solid barrier that cannot be urged.

In the red and purple enchantments, the colorful halos flickered, and Jun Mohuang also sacrificed his spiritual power.

The three of them stood near the explosion center and were not affected at all.

The explosion of the entire Thunder Elemental Spirit Crystal vein finally caused cracks in the barrier.

"Well, almost, it's time to use the dual element spirit crystal of ice and fire."

Jun Mohuang looked at the rare cracks on the barrier, which was indeed a gods barrier.

If it were other enchantments, this one would have been broken into scum.

Jun Mohuang opened the space ring thrown by Yun Lan and threw it down.

A group of red and blue two-color spar with a diameter of 100 meters turned into a missile and smashed downward.

The purple light gradually dissipated, and two dazzling red and blue lights exploded.

The fire element is more fierce than the erupting magma, burning the heart and bones, burning every inch of the bones.

The ice element is more bone-piercing than Wannianji ice ice marrow, enough to freeze every drop of blood.

Seeing this, everyone fled back faster.

The power of the ice and fire dual element spirit crystal is second only to the thunder element. At this moment, it is more scary than the thunder element.

The fire and ice dual element spirit crystals have an attack distance that is farther than the lightning element.

No one wants to be injured by the two opposing elements of ice and fire at the same time.

Not only can the two elements not cancel each other out, but the two energies will excite each other and make the situation worse.

In a burst of red and blue light, Luo Chen finally arrived with the girl in white.

"Do not!"

Luo Chen caught a large amount of thunder element in the remaining element content in the air, which showed that the thunder element spirit crystal had been consumed by Jun Mohuang.

Without the Lightning Elemental Spirit Crystal, one elemental Spirit Crystal is missing, and he cannot open the barrier.

(End of this chapter)

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