Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2526: The benefit of living

Chapter 2526 The Benefits of Living People

He had forgotten that he was now a strong man in the initial stage of the second stage of the Yuansheng Realm, and was no longer the little young master who was not as strong as his parents and often ran away from home.

He is now much stronger than his parents.

"Come and take a look, everyone, the Dragon Emperor of the Heavenly Dragon Realm, the Queen of the Nine Nether Realm is cruel, vicious and sinister, just because our husband and wife had a little conflict with her, we instigated our son to beat his father!"

Madam Baili took the opportunity to shout loudly. She couldn't do anything to Jun Mohuang now and take the opportunity to ruin her reputation, but there was no problem at all.

There were already many spirit races nearby, and when they heard the noise made here, they focused their attention here.

Inquiry, curiosity, contempt, watching the excitement and so on.

Mo Xi wanted to step forward and mottled for Jun Mohuang, but was stopped by Yun Lan's gaze.

Mo Xi felt angry, and Baili Patriarch and his wife were really a model of ignorance of good and bad.

Without her elder sister, Yun Lan would not be an emperor, and Baili Yunsheng's strength would never be promoted to Yuan Sage.

Playing a good hand sloppyly, and shameful trouble here.

"Huh! Lan'er, look at what your brother used to be like with that woman! Do you agree or not?"

The ugliness of the family was spreading, and the Patriarch of Baili didn't feel ashamed, but was delighted.

With so many people paying attention, Yun Lan will definitely be forced by the pressure of public opinion to hand over the dual element spirit crystals of ice and fire.

"No, these dual element spirit crystals are owned by the school girl."

Yun Lan was not moved at all and refused directly.

"Lan'er, you... mother just can't figure out what is so good about that woman. You two brothers don't even want your father and mother. If you hurt your father and mother like this, are you not afraid to apologize for the kindness your father and mother have given you?"

Madam Baili looked at Yun Lan pleadingly, wiping the tears from the corners of her eyes with her sleeves.

Many spirit races looked at Yun Lan, Baili Yunsheng and Mo Xi with condemning eyes.

The impression that Jun Mohuang was already bad in his mind was even lower.

"The son can't figure out what is good about the gods of the Heavenly Spirit Realm. He slaughtered the entire Bafang Profound Realm human race, and was behind the slaughter of the Baili family."

"And those murderers are standing behind their father and mother. Just like that, father and mother still want to take refuge in the spirit race and stand on the side of the enemy. Are they not afraid to apologize to all the family members who died under the spirit race butcher knife?"


The Baili couple didn't expect Yun Lan to refute like this, and they were suddenly dumbfounded, with nothing to say.

In fact, they didn't care about the family members who died.

Many spirit races who still condemned Jun Mohuang in their hearts, and believed that Yun Lan and Baili Yunsheng were not filial, choked in their hearts.

At that time, these people went crazy under the influence of You Lanhua, and almost slaughtered all the human cultivators in the Bafang Profound Realm.

This incident has always been the heart disease of many spirit races. They are not bloodthirsty people, and it is not the original intention that they are instigated by the madness of the Bafang Profound Realm.

Afterwards, they didn't have any remedy, and even Luo Chen didn't mention the matter, and the spirit races were quite ashamed.

Now that the emperor of the Eight Profound Realm raised this matter again, the spirit races were even more ashamed, and there was no time to worry about the internal conflicts of the Baili family.

"You can't say that, Lan'er, you have to take a long-term view and look forward. The interests of living people are the most important.

Patriarch Baili held back this sentence for a long time, brazenly.

Come to Chapter 2 at noon.

(End of this chapter)

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