Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2506: World destroyer and savior

Chapter 2506 The World Destroyer and the Savior

Because the woman with red eyes will always go to sleep immediately after a few minutes.

Tonight, the red-eyed woman is exceptionally energetic.

The atmosphere was just right, and while the two were talking, a white light flashed in the starry night sky.

A strong white light illuminates the entire night sky as bright as day.

This strong light was fleeting, and the earth began to shake violently.

"What happened!"

The red eyed woman stabilized her figure with the help of Emperor Yize.

"Qing Qian, you should rest in your room first, don't go anywhere."

Emperor Yize took her back to the bedroom and left soon.

He left this memory, not here.

The picture turned, it was already a few months later.

Di Yize was in the study with more than a dozen magicians, and everyone looked solemn.

"Sovereign, do you have to think about this so far."

"Prince, the signs have come to the world, and our relationship with the gods is already incompatible. It's time to do it. If you delay, even if a bowl of medicine goes down, your Highness will not die. The birth of this destroyer will be destroyed. Those who break our runes will destroy our Celestial Continent."

"The king, what are you hesitating. You are just the queen you chose to avoid the birth of the descendants of the gods. She can marry the king and obtain the king's exclusive favor, which has been the blessing of her several lifetimes. The king does not need to be right. She has any guilt."

"Yes, Lord, if you continue to drag it on, it will affect the little majesty, who is the savior of the world, the king, you can't delay any longer!

These more than a dozen runes were actually persuading Emperor Yi Ze to remove one of the children.

Among them was the alchemist who had checked the fetus of the red-eyed woman before.

"This matter really can't be dragged on any longer, Master Lao Fanxing will prepare the medicine."

Di Yize was silent for a few seconds, his golden eyes flashed slightly, and finally made a decision.

"The king can rest assured, the old man will definitely..."

Before Master Xing finished speaking, the study was suddenly pushed aside, and the woman with red eyes walked in.

Her face was pale, shocked, stunned, injured and other emotions flashed in blood red eyes alternately.

The whole body of the woman with red eyes was trembling slightly.

Di Yize did not expect that she was outside the study, and immediately got up and walked to her side.


"Don't touch me!"

The red-eyed woman directly threw away Di Yize's hand.

"That's it, that's the way! I am, you, the king of the dignified celestial continent runeman, how can you fall in love with me, the little female emperor of the Nine Nether World, it turns out that you want to use my belly to give birth without any gods blood Offspring!"

"Di Yize, I am pregnant with the child, and I will be born again in the future. Unless you kill me, I won't let you succeed!"

After the red-eyed woman said this, she turned and left, but was imprisoned by Emperor Yize's hand.

"Qing Qian, you can't help this matter, I will explain it to you later."

"Master Star, please prepare the medicine as quickly as possible."

"Yes, the king, the subordinates know that there will be this day, and they have prepared all the medicinal materials in advance."

Master Star took the lead and left.

In the study, the other runes did not leave, all stayed.

The red-eyed woman was pinched by Emperor Yize, unable to produce a trace of resistance.

His face was pale, his face was as gray as death, and his lazy and charming eyes were filled with despair.

After half an hour, Master Xing returned to the study, holding a white jade box in his hand, standing respectfully beside Di Yize.

"The king, his subordinates have already refined the pill."

Emperor Yize opened the white jade box with a brown pill the size of a thumb.

(End of this chapter)

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