Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2505: Twins

Chapter 2505 Twins

Di Yize was only happy for a few days, the worry on his face gradually became heavier.

He concealed it very well and did not let the red-eyed woman notice.

The red-eyed woman is the female emperor of the Nine Nether World, and she is naturally not an ordinary person.

As the belly grew bigger and bigger, she noticed Di Yize's alienation from herself.

"Di Yize, if you don't want to spend time with me, just tell me that I will pack my baggage and go back to the Nine Nether Realm, so I don't need to show my face here every day."

The red eyed woman was very dissatisfied with Di Yize's behavior.

"Qing Qian, what nonsense, nothing like that. Recently, the conflict between the rune-makers and the Protoss has become more serious, and the affairs are too busy. I have invited the best alchemist in the Heavenly Continent to check your body."

Emperor Yize stretched out his hand and embraced her in his arms to show her comfort.

"It is normal for the body to be tired during pregnancy and not to think about tea and rice. I am very well, and I don't need a pharmacist to look at it."

The red-eyed woman was lazy and refused directly.

"Qingqian, obedient."

In the end, the red-eyed woman still obeyed Di Yize's arrangement.

An old man with white beard and hair and wrinkles all over his face stepped forward.

The old man's eyes were muddy, but they were golden, and the white robe was embroidered with runes representing the rune.

The old man put his finger between the red-eyed woman's wrist, and Jun Mohuang found that the old man used the same way as her, using the power of induction.

"The queen is very good, the little majesty in the abdomen is very healthy, just need to pay attention to rest."

The old man felt for a long time and came to this conclusion.

"I'll just say, what can I do."

The red-eyed woman narrowed her eyes and a smile appeared on her lips.

Di Yize held her in his arms, but at an angle that the red-eyed woman could not see, the corners of his lips were slightly pressed, and his eyes were more worried.

Only Di Yize and the red-eyed woman were left in the bedroom.

The red-eyed woman quickly fell asleep because of her pregnancy.

"what is the problem."

Emperor Yize re-summoned the alchemist who diagnosed the woman with red eyes in his study.

"Yes... it's twins. The situation is not so good. The Great Highness is a Protoss, and the Little Highness is a Rune."

The pharmacist hesitated for a while before he could tell the truth.

Emperor Yize narrowed a pair of golden eyes, "Protoss, how could it be possible, Qing Qian will never be pregnant with a child with the blood of the Protoss."

"The king, the old man's power of induction is absolutely infallible, and the old man cannot deceive the king. The great majesty in the abdomen of the king is really a protoss. If you want to take it away, you should make a decision early. The Empress’s health is worse."

"You go down first, I think it over."

The pharmacist took the order to leave, and only Emperor Yize remained in the study.

Rubbing his eyebrows with his fingers, this was the first time in his life that Emperor Yize felt dilemma and hesitated.

Time continues to pass.

The belly of the woman with red eyes grew bigger and bigger, and Emperor Yize still didn't make up his mind.

He got slower and slower, and the time to return to the courtyard became shorter and shorter.

The red-eyed woman didn't notice this, she was sleeping more and more every day.

Every time she wakes up, Di Yize is by his side most of the time, to her, everything is no different.

One night, Emperor Yize was watching the stars in the attic at night, and the woman with red eyes was by his side for the first time.

Di Yize talked to her while watching the trajectory of the planets in the sky.

For the two of them, this scene is very rare.

It has been a long time since the red-eyed woman showed her arms, they have not sat together and talked for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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