Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2507: Don't kill my child

Chapter 2507 Don't Kill My Child

With slender fingers like jade, he picked up the pill and placed it on the lips of the woman with red eyes.

"Qingqian, be good, eat it, and it will be fine. I will compensate you well."

"No, I don't eat! I don't want your compensation."

The red-eyed woman had to close her teeth and shouted these words from deep in her throat.

Di Yize put his hand on her jaw, "eat it."

"No, Eze, I beg you, for the sake of my company with you for ten thousand years, don't kill my child!"

"You don't like me anymore, I can go, I promise you will pester you again!"

For the first time, the eyes of the woman with red eyes appeared pleading.

She begged to be destined to be useless.

Di Yize's eyes were dim, and he sighed lightly. He stretched out his hand to squeeze the red-eyed woman's bite away and stuffed the pill into the red-eye woman's mouth.

With a slight application of spiritual energy, the pill directly entered the red eye woman's stomach.

"Do not!"

The red-eyed woman tried her best to escape from Di Yize's restraint, lay on the ground, and kept clasping her throat with her hands, trying to spit out the medicine.

She vomited nothing.

These people are determined to accomplish this, how can they give her the opportunity to spit out the medicine.

The pill had long since turned into a medicinal essence and entered her body.

Soon, the red-eyed woman wrinkled her eyebrows and her forehead was covered with cold sweat.

Her belly began to cramp.

"No, no..."

The red-eyed woman covered her abdomen with her hand, trying to keep the child away.

Blood flowed from her skirt, staining the snow-white floor.

The red girl was weak, lying on the ground like a rag doll.

Everyone present, including Di Yize, stood beside her, watching all this with cold eyes.

After half an hour, Master Xing looked at the blood on the ground with joy.

"Congratulations to the king, the destroyer has completely died, and the little majesty in the abdomen of the king has not received any bad influence."

"Congratulations to the king!"

The other runes were also happy, and together with Master Xing, they congratulated Emperor Yize.

The red-eyed woman had just lost a child, and the joy on the faces of these runes made people chill.

"Well, go down."

"Yes, King."

All the runes left, and Emperor Yize stepped forward to lift the red-eyed woman up.

"Don't touch me!"

The red-eyed woman didn't know where the strength was, and flicked his hand away.

"Be obedient, don't make trouble."

Emperor Yize carried her back to the bedroom.

The red-eyed woman no longer had the strength to resist, just looked at her with cold disgust.

The picture turned again.

After this incident, the red-eyed woman no longer paid attention to Emperor Yize.

No matter what Di Yize said to her, she replied with cold disgusting eyes.

Emperor Yize became more and more haggard and busier.

In the last scene, he took the red-eyed woman to that special space and personally locked her ankle with a special mysterious iron chain.

"Qingqian, don't blame me, you will have one month to give birth. If you don't do this, you will definitely run around."

Di Yize stretched out his hand and stroked the face of the woman with red eyes lovingly.

The red-eyed woman just looked at him coldly, her lips full of mockery.

Emperor Yize imprisoned her here and left soon.

At this point, all screens stop.

Jun Mohuang found that she and Di Lingtian were standing at the gate of the courtyard.

After reading this memory of Di Yize, she could no longer describe her current mood in words.

She turned to look at Di Lingtian and found that the expression on Di Lingtian's face had never been seen before.

"Ling Tian, ​​you... are you the brother or younger brother of the twins."

Let's come to Chapter 3 at noon today, good afternoon.

(End of this chapter)

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