Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2504: An old monster

Chapter 2504 The old monster with a pure heart and less desire

"I'm talking angry again, how can the family be separated. I won't let your group of suitors in the Nine Nether Realm continue to have the opportunity to circle you."

Di Yize's tone was filled with strong acidity.

"Yize, I never thought that we would really get married. An old monster like you, who has lived for 100,000 years and has little desires, should have no interest in the relationship between men and women."

The long hair of the red-eyed woman had all been combed. She moved her body back and leaned against Di Yize.

The red eyes squinted slightly, and the gesture was charming, which was very eye-catching.

Di Yize's golden eyes stuck to her face, showing a rare gentle color, and he was unwilling to leave.

"Huh, whoever prescribes that kind of medicine to me as soon as I meet, I'm not interested in you, am I still a man."

The red-eyed woman smiled, "It's none of my business, that valley is the forbidden place for me to cultivate all kinds of forbidden drugs, you want to go in."

"Qing Qian, no matter what, you planted those banned drugs, and you are responsible to me."

Di Yize picked her up, "Qing Qian, let's have a baby."

The picture stopped at this moment.

Di Yize's memories were not interrupted.

Jun Mohuang and Di Lingtian saw many clips after they got married.

At that time, there was basically no big contradiction between the rune-makers and the gods, although other rune-makers had never accepted the red-eyed woman, a witch from the middle plane, as their queen.

But all this did not affect Di Yize's love for her, and the relationship between the two was very good.

It's just that the child that Di Yize wanted was never born.

He is already in the Primordial Divine Realm, it is very difficult to have offspring, and neither of them insists on it.

Jun Mohuang couldn't help wondering. Di Lingtian said that the relationship between the two was very bad, but it seemed that it was not the case at present.

Among them, something must have happened.

Ten thousand years passed in this way.

The runes controlled by the runemen are far beyond the reach of ordinary runemen.

Even Jun Mohuang, a rune god-level talisman, would be left with nothing left in front of Emperor Yize.

The ability of a rune to see the rules of the world.

The rules of heaven and earth not only give them superb runes, but also give them the ability to predict future events.

One of them is through stargazing.

In this memory, Jun Mohuang often saw Emperor Yize constantly watching the stars at night, thinking about what he was calculating.

She couldn't get a glimpse of what he was calculating from her memories. Di Yize's expression became more and more solemn, and the frequency of star observation at night became more and more frequent.

One night, Emperor Yize watched the stars in the attic as usual.

The red-eyed woman arrived lightly and flew to the attic to find Emperor Yize.

"Yize, at night, you came here again if you weren't with me. Do you still want to have a baby with me."

"Hey, I'll be back later, you go to rest first."

Di Yize's golden eyes filled with a petting smile, and he reached out and stroked the face of the woman with red eyes.

The red-eyed woman held Di Yize's arm, "No, I just watched the stars at night. Tonight is definitely a good time to have a baby."


Emperor Yize couldn't help but bowed his finger and knocked her forehead.

"Hurry up, Yi Ze, I'll be waiting for you here."

The red-eyed woman rested her head on Di Yize's knee and ran her fingers around his long hair.

In the end, Emperor Yize could not withstand the waiting of the red-eyed woman, and ended the night star observation early, and the two returned to the room hand in hand.

After that night, the woman with red eyes was pregnant.

Today's update is complete...

Thank God of War, Bai Qi, JK-N6, Xiejun & Greed, ~Menglihuaxiang☆ and other babies for their rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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