Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2498: I've been more idle lately, I like to be nosy

Chapter 2498 is relatively idle recently, I like to be nosy

The patriarch Yuan and the other spirit races looked pale, and then smiled bitterly.

A long time ago, they thought they would die on the battlefield between the spirit race and the demons.

But they never expected that they would die in Luo Chen's hands.

They haven't disclosed the heavy news of following Jun Mohuang to Luo Chen, they just used the excuse of repaying Jun Mohuang's life-saving grace, and Luo Chen bit the killer.

That's all, their fate should be like this, the head of the Yuan clan and the others closed their eyes in confession.

But the expected fatal blow did not arrive, and a **** moon lifted into the sky, rendering the entire sky bloody.

The **** full moon collided with the thunder light group in the air, the dazzling white light exploded, and the sound of thunder blasted in everyone's heart.

The spiritual energy in the valley vibrated, and the shock wave of two energy collisions swept everyone in the field.

The invisible barrier in the river skyrocketed and turned into a barrier, protecting everyone.

The shock wave hit the barrier and was instantly blocked and absorbed.

An earth-shaking movement disappeared from the invisible.

Luo Chen fixedly looked at Di Lingtian, with obvious annoyance surging in his eyes.

"Di Lingtian, this monarch has taken the initiative to teach his subordinates, this seems to be none of your business."

He never expected Di Lingtian to make a sudden move.

"The deity has been relatively idle lately, so he likes to be nosy."

Di Lingtian's position has changed. He stood in front of the silver patriarch and other spirit races, standing with his hands behind him.

The head of the Yuan clan and the other spirit races stared, and they also didn't expect that Di Lingtian would be the last to rescue him.

Obviously, these spirit races have not completely transformed their identities.

They thought that even if they followed Jun Mohuang, they would be second-class people, and they would be inferior to those of the Dragon Clan, Mo Clan, and Mo Clan.

Luo Chen was extremely angry, but had nothing to say.

"Ling Tian, ​​the secret path has been formed, we should set off, don't waste time on meaningless things."

Jun Mohuang's words broke the confrontation between Luo Chen and Emperor Lingtian.

Luo Chen glanced at him and saw that Jun Mohuang was right in front of him, and the secret room had been completely formed.

In the rushing river, several silver spars emerged, all the way to the feet of Jun Mohuang.

She can walk over easily, enter the secret room, and get the fifth golden lotus petal.

"Huang'er is right, let's go."

Di Lingtian returned to Jun Mohuang, holding her hand, and a group of people walked to the secret room.

"Brother Chen, what to do, what to do!"

The girl in white was completely panicked. This was the fifth golden lotus petal. After Jun Mohuang got it, she had four petals.

Even if she took the last two petals, there were only three petals in her hand, and she was completely behind.

"Huang'er, let's try it too."

Luo Chen was naturally not reconciled to the fifth lotus petal being taken by the woman of Emperor Lingtian.

This time it was the woman surnamed Jun who used the trick, not his problem with Huang'er.

Since the attack of the Lord of the Continent can penetrate the invisible barrier in the middle of the river, then he and the girl in white are going to pass.

As soon as Huang'er enters the secret room, the fifth golden lotus petal will definitely choose her.

Full of confidence, Luo Chen took the hand of the white-clothed girl, crossed the barrier, and forcibly broke into the secret room.

When he just wanted to step into the barrier, a powerful force burst out of the invisible barrier, slamming Luo Chen, the girl in white, the high priest and all other spirit races out of the valley at the same time.

"Brother Chen, help!"

The white-clothed girl was thrown high in the air, and the sudden dizziness and weightlessness made her scream loudly like a conditioned reflex.

(End of this chapter)

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