Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2497: Eat the cheap bones

Chapter 2497 Eat the cheap bones inside and out

Seeing that the secret road in front of Jun Mohuang was about to be fully formed, the girl in white clenched her fists and felt anxious.

It's a pity that neither she nor Luo Chen had anything similar to the spirit spar in their hands.

At this time, Luo Chen finally noticed that the head of the Yuan patriarch and others were actually mixed in the team behind Jun Mohuang.

All the black spots on their hands and faces disappeared, all of them were full of energy, their faces were red, and they were too healthy to be healthy.

Even the aura in his body is stronger than when he was driven away.

Luo Chen saw these spirit races, and the girl in white also saw them.

"What are you doing with this woman and Di Lingtian, you are a spirit race, don't hurry over!"

Seeing that the secret road on Jun Mohuang's side was about to take shape, the white-clothed girl was anxious and could no longer care about the so-called image.

Clan Chief Yuan and the others may not have enough aura, but it is better than nothing. She really can't bear the **** Mo Phoenix surpassing her again.

The head of the Yuan clan and the others turned their heads away and ignored the girl in white.

Let them go when you don’t need it, and call them back now when you need it. Do you treat them as a dog?

The spirits are arrogant by nature. They respect Luo Chen, but they also have dignity.

What's more, the object of their allegiance now is Jun Mohuang.

"Brother Chen, look at them!"

The white-clothed girl was even more annoyed when she saw that her words didn't work at all.

These humble spirit races are bold enough to not listen to her!

"Have you not heard the words of the God Empress, don't you come here quickly."

Luo Chen's deep black eyes narrowed slightly, and his eyes were full of haze.

He glanced at the head of the Yuan patriarch and others, and immediately understood that something was right.

This group of spirit races really turned against the sky, just because the woman surnamed Jun rescued them and cured them with signs of physical breakdown, they even dared to betray him, betray the heavenly spirit world, and stand on Di Lingtian's side.

If it were not for him to use them now, he would definitely kill these people in the first time.

Eat cheap bones inside.

"Sorry, Lord, the priest saved us. We have promised her not to help you."

The Yuan patriarch and other spirit races still didn't have any intention to pass.

"You guys! Very good, very good."

Luo Chen didn't get angry but smiled, "As soon as this monarch returns to Lingdu, all your tribes will be exiled outside the seventh-level city, depriving your tribe's first-level bloodline, and abolishing the cultivation of all your tribes. , Deprive you of all the rights in your hands!"

This is the harshest punishment for a tribe, more severe than expelling the spirit race directly.

The first-degree bloodline is deprived, and from then on, everyone in the tribe will become the base name of the spirit race, and there will never be a chance to make an appearance.

If it were the usual, facing the harshest punishment, they would have been so frightened that their legs became weak, and they knelt in front of Luo Chen and begged him to take his life back.

But now, the head of the Yuan clan and the others looked calm, and didn't even raise their eyebrows.

They have been loyal to Monarch Mo Phoenix, and Luo Chen exiled their tribe outside the seventh-level city, just facilitating the tribe to receive into the Heavenly Dragon Realm.

"very good!"

Luo Chen was unmoved when he saw Yuan patriarch and the others, the cold light in his eyes grew stronger.

The spirit races who don't obey his orders are damned!

Luo Chen flicked his sleeves, and the black void behind him tore apart, and a huge ball of lightning flew out, smashing directly at the chief of the Yuan Dynasty and other ministers.

The lightning ball carried the might of thunder, and the powerful pressure poured out like a tide, instantly locking the Yuan patriarch and others.

(End of this chapter)

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