Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2499: being abandoned

Chapter 2499 is abandoned

Luo Chen stabilized his figure, hugged the girl in white, spread his wings, and slowly fell to the ground.

Luo Chen's landing process was fairly elegant, and other spirit races did not have this kind of luck.

Especially the high priest, fell to the ground from a high altitude, lying on the ground arrogantly.

Luo Chen glanced behind him, and the valley behind him had completely disappeared.

The power of the valley drove them out, but there was no plan to let them go back again.

Di Lingtian and the woman must have walked into the secret room by now and obtained the fifth golden lotus petal.

Luo Chen was upset and irritated, and the white-clothed girl beside her began to scream again.


Luo Chen was even more upset by the screaming, and he couldn't directly tell the white-clothed girl to shut up, he was preparing to tactfully stop the white-clothed girl from screaming.

The girl in white began to yank Luo Chen's sleeves.

"Brother Chen, look at him, look at him!"

The white-clothed girl hid behind Luo Chen at the fastest speed, her eyes widened, and she pointed at the high priest who was leaning on the ground.

The high priest's face and hands were full of large black spots.

The black death breath spread from his body.

Seeing this, all the spirit races quickly moved away from the high priest, this thing would be contagious.

As soon as Luo Chen saw the physical condition of the high priest, he immediately understood what was going on.

"You infected them!"

Luo Chen's deep black eyes were like thousand-year-old ice, staring at the high priest.

The physical breakdown of the high priest was far more serious than that of the Yuan patriarchs.

Whoever infects to whom depends on whoever is serious.

"No, Lord, not a subordinate, absolutely not a subordinate! The subordinate does not know what happened, it must be the woman! It must be the woman's attack with the dragon blood scepter that made the subordinate become like this !"

The high priest lowered his eyes and saw that the back of his hand was almost black, and he immediately knelt in front of Luo Chen to defend himself.

Luo Chen said coldly and mercilessly: "Go away, don't follow my monarch and Huang'er anymore."

"No, no, Sir, please let the queen save your subordinates, please let the queen save your subordinates, the subordinates don't want to die!"

The high priest knelt down and moved his legs, trying to pass Luo Chen to the girl in white.

"Go away."

Luo Chen flicked his sleeves, and an aura directly flicked away the high priest.

Luo Chen took the girl in white clothes, spread her wings and flew high.

Now, he is destined to miss the fifth golden lotus petal.

He must rush to the sixth place as soon as possible, he can no longer lose to Di Lingtian.

Seeing Luo Chen flying away, other spirit races spread their wings and flew into the air.

No one paid attention to the high priest, and no one looked at him again.

"Your Majesty, Queen of God, don't leave your subordinates, no!"

The high priest hurriedly spread out his wings to catch up, but was cut off by Luo Chen's attack.

He fell from the air to the ground and gnawed a mouthful of mud.

The high priest got up with difficulty, and Luo Chen, the girl in white and all the spirit races were no longer in the air.

The old eyes were filled with hatred and anger.

Luo Chen left him here, making it clear that he wanted him to die in the holy pond.

Luo Chen, the girl in white clothes, these two are so cruel.

If one day, he has this ability, he will retaliate fiercely against the two!

The high priest completely forgot that when he showed signs of physical breakdown before the chief of Yuan and the others, he was instigated in various ways and advocated that the two let the chief of Yuan and the others go out.

Now, the same situation fell on him, and the high priest could not bear it.

(End of this chapter)

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