Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2460: Soul Eater

Chapter 2460 Spirit Devouring Valley

Jun Mohuang shook his head, "It's not that simple."


She picked up a stone from the ground, wrapped it with aura, and threw it to the opposite destination.

This stone only flew out less than ten meters, and was torn to pieces by the wind blowing from under the cliff.

Jun Mohuang picked up another stone. This time she chose a flat stone. With a turn of her wrist, the stone flew out like a flying disc, without using any spiritual energy.

This time, with the help of the wind, the rock flew more than a hundred meters away, until it lost its balance before falling down.

"Wow, this..."

Feng Yunqi and the others opened their eyes wide, and they obviously did not expect this to happen.

The first stone has the aura of Jun Mohuang, no matter the distance it can fly, or the firmness, it is stronger than the second stone.

Not long after the first piece flew out, it was torn to pieces by the wind.

Although the second piece also dropped, when it fell out of balance, it was intact.

Jun Mohuang picked up another stone and carved a set of runes on it.

This time, the stones with runes shattered faster, but only three meters before they shattered into powder.

"This is Spirit Devouring Valley."

In everyone's puzzled eyes, Di Lingtian spoke lightly.

The world's great wonders.

There will always be some very strange places in this world.

Spirit Devouring Valley is such a place.

Spirit Devouring Valley, will swallow all the energy such as aura, runes and so on.

They have all only heard of it, and have not really seen it.

When Di Lingtian uttered the words Spirit Devouring Valley, everyone paled at the same time.

"Emperor, if, I mean, if we accidentally fall, what will happen."

Feng Yunqi's questioning voice was cautious.

"Don't worry, you won't be killed if you fall, but the aura in the body will be swallowed up."

Di Lingtian's tone was flat, as if talking about the weather.

Feng Yunqi and others sounded horrified, and their backs were chilly.

The cliff is bottomless, and if it falls, it will be seriously injured.

I was sucked up again, and died alive.

A cultivator who was badly injured and sucked up his aura, his survival ability was not as good as a waste without aura.

It's better to fall down and die.

"Then it seems that we can't use aura through this Spirit Devouring Valley, we can only use the wind to pass."

Jin Ying'er stepped forward. There were cliffs on both sides of the Great Rift Valley, so walking was directly ruled out.

"Yes, it is true."

Jun Mohuang nodded and gave Jin Ying'er a approving look.

"Then it will be difficult."

Feng Yunqi frowned, the wings must rely on the use of aura.

Without using aura, the wings cannot be summoned.

Not only the wings, but any other flying objects need aura.

Jun Mohuang said: "It's easy to handle, as long as you shoot a pair of wings that don't require aura, and use the wind to glide over."

"But... but the boss, without the wings of aura, I am afraid that I can't withstand the wind of the Great Rift Valley. I am afraid that I will be cut into pieces before the destination."

Before reaching the destination, the wings behind him were cut into pieces, and he couldn't use aura, and he wouldn't die or be seriously injured if he fell.

In addition to making flying objects fly farther, aura can also make flying objects stronger.

Without aura, it is impossible to control the flight direction of the wings during flight, which is also a problem.

"Don't worry, I have a way."

(End of this chapter)

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