Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2461: Glider

Chapter 2461 Glider

Jun Mohuang took out the pen and paper from the space ring, indicating that everything is not a problem.

Reiki is an indispensable part of this world, and cultivators in this world cannot imagine what would happen without using Reiki.

But Jun Mohuang couldn't be troubled by this. She had lived in the modern age without any spiritual energy for twenty years.

Know how to overcome immediate difficulties without using Reiki.

"Ling Tian, ​​Shui Lan, come here."

Jun Mohuang intends to manufacture gliders, and refining is her specialty, and the raw materials for metal ore refining are mostly in the Phoenix space.

She had disassembled and assembled the glider countless times during her previous missions, and she had long remembered the drawings.

The problem is, with the wind of Spirit Devouring Valley, she has to build multiple gliders to safely let everyone glide past.

Too light, I'm afraid it will be blown directly to the sky.

It was too heavy and began to slide without flying to the destination.

Neither situation will work, it must be just right.

Jun Mohuang called Di Lingtian and Zi Shuilan to help. She drew the drawings, and briefly explained the working principle of the glider to them, and asked them to calculate with her.

When Feng Yunqi and the others saw the three people's expressions solemnly, they did not dare to step forward and interrupt.

Waiting on the side, even the discussions between each other are spreading in secret words, trying not to make any noise.

Feng Yunqi had long been anxious, and his heart was like a cat's claw.

He wanted to know what exactly Jun Mohuang had, and he didn't dare to bother him.

After three people's experiments and calculations, various parameters were finally determined.

Jun Mohuang, Di Lingtian, and Zi Shuilan will refining tools, and Jun Mohuang mobilizes other people who can refine tools to refining glider parts.

Possess level weapons and energy.

Because of the characteristics of Spirit Devouring Valley, they extracted all the aura in the metal ore, and refined the glider parts without any aura.

As a result, the speed is greatly accelerated.

In half a day, all the refiners including Jun Mohuang refined and assembled everyone's gliders.

"Wow, boss, what is this!"

Feng Yunqi surrounded his glider with a surprised expression.

He had never seen this thing before.

"This is a glider. This thing does not require any aura. As long as there is wind, it can take off. With this thing, we can fly through Spirit Devouring Valley and reach the destination."

Hearing Jun Mohuang's introduction, everyone was boiling.

"Wow, there are still things in this world that can fly without aura!"

The ability to fly without aura is indeed impossible to believe for these native cultivators.

"Of course, come here and I will tell you how to do it."

Jun Mohuang began to teach them how to use it.

There were all smart people, Jun Mohuang only said it once, and they would remember.

After remembering, Jun Mohuang asked everyone to go through some practice before they formally go to Spirit Devouring Valley.

"Boss, what if we break it in practice."

Feng Yunqi began to worry that he would make operational mistakes.

This was the hard work of the boss, Emperor Zun and others, he was reluctant to waste a little bit.

"Don't worry, there are many accessories, just break them."

For the current Jun Mohuang, refining this kind of non-level thing is as simple as breathing.

"Okay, boss, I promise to try not to break it."

Feng Yunqi heard that instead of lowering his own requirements, he was firm and determined in his heart not to waste Jun Mohuang's hard work and determination.

(End of this chapter)

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