Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2459: Compensate you well

Chapter 2459 Compensate You

"After this trip to the holy pond is over, I will make up for you."

Jun Mohuang leaned to his ear, his small face turned pink, and said softly.

"Huang'er, remember what you said, don't shame."

Di Lingtian's breathing was tight and his eyes became more and more hot. No one knew what Jun Mohuang's compensation meant better than him.


Jun Mohuang nodded lightly.

In retrospect, this was probably the last regret she had said in her life.

Killed on impulse.


The depths of the holy pond.

The man in white is still meditating next to the golden lotus.

When he woke up after finishing his cultivation and saw two more lotus petals turn black, his good-looking brows couldn't help but wrinkle.

What was going on with that woman, he had given her enough hints, how could she still fall behind Jun Mohuang, without even getting a single lotus petal.

It seems that he overestimated the woman's ability.

For the plan to succeed, he must intervene more in this matter.

The white-clothed man closed his eyes slightly, concentrated all his mental energy, and conveyed his spiritual thoughts to the white-clothed girl.

This spiritual thought contains all the skills to quickly pass the follow-up assessment.

After doing this, the man in white stood up, stretched his hand to the edge of the golden lotus, and began to directly change the position of the golden lotus petals with his hands.

Someone intervened, and the origin crystal in the center of the golden lotus immediately emitted a scorching golden light, and the white-clothed man's hands quickly turned black.

But he was unmoved, still constantly changing the speed and position of the golden lotus petals.

Ten minutes later, the white-clothed man finally closed his hands, his hands were no different from Hei Tan.

A golden light burst out from the crystal of the origin again, hitting the heart of the man in white.

The white-clothed man suddenly stepped back ten meters, spouting blood.

He stabilized his figure, wiped the blood on the corners of his lips, took out a colorful bead from his arms, a bit of madness appeared in his golden eyes.

This action consumed half of his strength that he finally recovered.

But as long as the plan is reached, it will all be worthwhile.

When Emperor Lingtian discovered that the girl in white had obtained the Crystal of Origin, he thought that he had admitted the wrong person and abandoned the situation of Jun Mohuang.

Jun Mohuang would never forgive Emperor Lingtian.

Then, he accompanied his beloved Mo Phoenix to find the last crystal of origin, so that she could restore her identity.

He already wanted to see Di Lingtian regretting it in a hurry, and seeing Jun Mohuang showing an expression of disgust towards Di Lingtian.

All this will definitely be very interesting.

Thinking of this scene, the man in white showed wild air, and Yang Tian burst out laughing.


The next day, Jun Mohuang and his party continued to set off.

Jun Mohuang kept on the three golden lotus petals collected before to discern the direction he was going to go next.

Throw the three-petal lotus petals and they will automatically point out the direction.

A day later, Jun Mohuang, Di Lingtian and others came to the edge of a cliff.

The cliff is as high as several thousand feet, without bottoming out.

Below the cliff opposite, there is a valley, and a wide rift divides the two.

The wind blew up from the bottom of the cliff, and there was a faint sound of Jin Ge.

Jun Mohuang casually threw a leaf down, and the leaf was immediately cut to pieces.

The three-petal lotus petals showed that the place they were going was the opposite valley.

"It's easy, just fly over with wings."

Standing on the edge of the cliff, Feng Yunqi didn't pay attention to the obstacles in front of him. He couldn't wait for the adventure of the upcoming war.

The Great Rift Valley in front of me is two kilometers wide, but this distance is nothing for cultivators with wings.

(End of this chapter)

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