Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2458: Be serious

Chapter 2458, give me a serious point

She leaned on Di Lingtian, squinted her eyes and didn't want to move at all.

Di Lingtian has the aura of the original power, Jun Mohuang is indulged in it, and can't extricate himself.

Upon hearing this proposal, Jun Mohuang couldn't help but chuckle when he thought of the various interruptions by Emperor Lingtian when he was in the cave one day ago.

When Di Lingtian was not jealous, he was really empathetic.

Even though her voice was very small, Zi Shuilan of the ninth-order Great Perfection of Yuansheng Realm still heard it.

Zi Shuilan's raised lips paused, and his pupils tightened slightly.

Yes, Mo Phoenix and Di Lingtian have been together for a long time. This is a normal phenomenon.

He wants to catch up and must pay more.

Although Mo Huang did not come, she was still willing to listen to her own experience, which meant that she still cared about him.

Zi Shuilan recovered his expression and continued to tell about his experience.

I don't know what happened, Jun Liyuan also came over.

He looked at Zi Shuilan, showing satisfaction.

Zi Shuilan was almost the same as Di Lingtian in terms of appearance, status, strength, or friendship with her precious woman.

The most important thing is that Zi Shuilan's identity is simple, not as troublesome as the descendants of Emperor Lingtian runes.

Zi Shuilan can be called the perfect son-in-law candidate in his mind.

Jun Liyuan was more satisfied with Zi Shuilan.

The moon is in transit.

Emperor Lingtian offered sacrifices to the portable palace, and he took the hand of Jun Mohuang, ready to rest.

Seeing this, Jun Liyuan was about to step forward, stop Jun Mohuang, and pull her aside to talk a little bit between father and daughter.

"Ling Tian, ​​let's go."

When Jun Mohuang saw Jun Liyuan coming here, he took Di Lingtian's hand and walked forward quickly.

Jun Liyuan stepped forward quickly, "Mo Huang, wait, father has something to say to you."

"Father, I'm so tired. Ling Tian and I are going to rest. I'll talk about anything tomorrow."

Jun Mohuang showed tiredness, covered his mouth with his hand and yawned, waved to Jun Liyuan, and took Di Lingtian away.

A smile appeared on the corner of Di Lingtian's lips, allowing Jun Mohuang to pull him.

"Mo Huang, remember what you promised your father!"

Jun Liyuan shook his head. This girl ran faster than a rabbit, saying that she was tired, who would believe it.

Obviously, she guessed what he was going to say.

Seeing that Jun Liyuan couldn't stop him, he had to make a final warning.

"I see, father."

Jun Mohuang pulled Di Lingtian into a room often used by Di Lingtian and closed the door.

That's not even counted, Jun Mohuang lighted the Do Not Disturb barrier on the door, and only then showed a relieved expression.

"Huang'er, what are you doing? I can't wait to sleep with me."

Di Lingtian looked good and raised his brow, knowing that he was a consultant.

"Ling Tian, ​​give me seriousness."

Jun Mohuang gave him a light look.

She knew what Jun Liyuan wanted to say, nothing more than asking her to consider Zi Shuilan.

From Jun Liyuan to see Zi Shuilan's more satisfied expression tonight, she could see it.

"Huang'er, you don't even listen to what your father said."

Di Lingtian pulled her into his arms, as clever as he, how he didn't know what Jun Liyuan would say.

"Ling Tian, ​​I won't listen to my father on your matters."

Regarding Di Lingtian, she would only listen to her true feelings.

She loves him and wants to be with him, it's that simple.

"Ling Tian, ​​with me, you have been wronged."

Jun Mohuang stretched out his hand to caress God Ling Tian's face that was so beautiful that it was so stunning.

"Huang'er, this sentence should be for me."

Di Lingtian's heart suddenly became extraordinarily soft, and the hands holding her could not help tightening.

(End of this chapter)

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