Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2457: Warm and sweet

Chapter 2457 is warm and sweet

Even Jun Liyuan himself was embarrassed to talk about Di Lingtian, who would let him benefit from Di Lingtian.

Jun Liyuan had to watch Jun Mohuang get close to Emperor Lingtian.

That night, Di Lingtian found a safe valley, and everyone settled in the valley.

Including the people from Zishuilan, there were hundreds of people in the group. Everyone lit several fires, divided into several teams, and sat around the fires.

Jun Mohuang leaned on Di Lingtian and waited for Di Lingtian to cook her dinner. He whispered his hanging hair in his hand while talking to Di Lingtian in a low voice.

Di Lingtian lowered his head to whisper to her from time to time, with a pair of **** eyes pampered and focused.

The two get along warm and sweet.

Feng Yunqi and others looked calm, they were used to it, and they were not surprised by their appearance.

Chi Chi, Zi Zi and other seven dark guards smiled at each other. It was great that the hostess and the master finally reconciled.

The only thing that is not used to is Zi Shuilan.

In the past, whether he was in the Heavenly Extreme Valley or the Cangyuan Continent, he suffered from the disadvantage of not being as strong as Emperor Lingtian, and he could not get closer to Jun Mo Phoenix.

Now, he is the beast emperor of the Profound Capital Realm, except that he has no body of a demigod, regardless of his identity, strength, or appearance, he is equal to Emperor Lingtian.

He hadn't seen Jun Mohuang for a long time, thinking that he finally had a chance this time.

But he also found tragically that he had been away for too long, and the relationship between Jun Mohuang and Di Lingtian was far better than when he was in Cangyuan Continent.

This time even the two were awkward, and he didn't have much room to intervene.

After the two are reconciled, he may have fewer opportunities.

During this encounter, Jun Mohuang glanced at him and spoke to him, and then all his attention was on Di Lingtian, there was no one else, nor him.

Zi Shuilan raised his head and drank a glass of wine, a touch of decadence rose in his violet eyes.

Di Lingtian also took advantage of time, and knew Mo Phoenix before him.

Why was he not the first to encounter Mo Phoenix, whether in the Heavenly Extreme Valley or in Cangyuan Continent.

"Brother Shuilan, don't drink, come, you haven't told us about Su Zhiyun yet, what is the relationship between her becoming a fox and your going to the Profound Capital Realm and becoming the Beast Emperor?"

Feng Yunqi keenly noticed that Zi Shuilan was using wine to relieve his sorrow.

What Zi Shuilan was worried about, he knew very well.

Feng Yunqi glanced at Zi Shuilan sympathetically. With the emperor, he would not get any response to the boss's mind.

No way, the emperor is so domineering and mighty, killing the Quartet in seconds.

In order to divert Zi Shuilan's attention, Feng Yunqi greeted Wu Qianyong, Jin Ying'er, Mo Ranchen and others to sit beside Zi Shuilan.

Jin Ying'er and Mo Ranchen didn't know Zi Shuilan before. I heard that he was born in Cangyuan Continent like Jun Mohuang, and he was friends with Jun Mohuang before, and he was very curious about his story.

Zi Shuilan's eyes lit up.

Su Zhiyun had an enmity with Mo Phoenix before, maybe Mo Phoenix would also like to know that her attention might shift from Di Lingtian to her side.

"Since everyone needs to know, then I will continue talking. It's like this..."

Zi Shuilan came to the spirit and began to tell her own experience.

"Huang'er, do you want to go over and listen."

Not far away, Di Lingtian had a panoramic view of Zi Shuilan's subtle emotional changes.

The thin lips are perfectly shaped and lightly hooked, looking down at Jun Mohuang who is leaning against him.

Jun Mohuang whispered, "No, I can hear you clearly here."

(End of this chapter)

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