Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2419: Protoss battle, Di Lingtian’s parents

Chapter 2419 Protoss War, Emperor Lingtian’s Parents

The enemy of the Protoss is also a white robe like a cloud, but a set of runes is embroidered on the clothes and neckline.

There is no Phoenix Feather mark on the foreheads of all the females on the rune.

Jun Mohuang recognized that this set of runes meant "runemakers".

The number of people on both sides is evenly matched, with about thirty people on each side.

The strength is almost the same, and the strength of the rune is all below the soul.

What surprised Jun Mohuang most was that she actually saw two unexpected people at the forefront of the runeman.

The woman with red eyes was dressed in white and stood in front of a man with golden eyes in white.

The white-clothed man was handsome and handsome, with perfect features, Jun Mohuang easily found the shadow of Emperor Lingtian on his face.

The two did not make any intimate actions, but everyone could see that the two had a profound friendship.

The red-eyed woman is Di Lingtian's mother. Jun Mohuang has met her personally and will never admit her mistake.

Then there is no need to make too many guesses about who the man in white is next to her.

Jun Mohuang looked at Emperor Lingtian, completely unable to conceal his inner astonishment.

Di Lingtian bowed his head, stroked her small face with a big hand, and confirmed her guess by means of whispers.

"Yes, Huang'er, that's my parents."

Di Lingtian's **** eyes flashed an extremely complex emotion.

Jun Mohuang caught nostalgia and disgust in it.

When the protoss and the runemen encountered, the two sides did not talk nonsense and went to war directly.

For a time, various powerful attacks continued to fly in the air.

This is a battle between the super powers of the Primordial God Realm.

The attack energy is so strong that Jun Mohuang can't imagine it.

Covering the sky and obscuring the sun, the wind is blowing, and the wind is surging.

The power of various elements agitated in this space, and the golden sacred weapons flew everywhere.

The various monsters formed by the exercises collide with each other, forming strong shock waves.

The ground shook violently, and the ground was cracked, and it turned into dust under the indiscriminate bombardment of countless attacks.

The entire ground descended 100 meters, leaving only the piece of land where they stood barely remaining intact.

Because this space could not withstand such a powerful energy collision, cracks began to occur constantly.

The protoss and runes began to completely break the rift, connect the void, elicit the void storm, and manipulate the void storm against the enemy.

This move is exactly the same as Jun Mohuang controlling Void Storm to deal with the army of the heavenly spirit world in front of the City of Ten Thousand Demons.

Fortunately, what they saw was only the ancient battlefield reappearing the battle conditions at the time. If Jun Mohuang was in it, even if she had the strength of the fifth stage of the Yuansheng Realm, she could not resist a blow from the gods and the runes.

The scene was very chaotic. All the strong masters of the Primordial God Realm had been entrusted with gods, and the specific details could not be seen clearly by her unnamed God Primordial Sage.

But because there were Emperor Lingtian's parents in this battle, Jun Mohuang tried to see clearly.

She gathered all the power and aura of the light source, with a pair of golden eyes shining, and she could barely see the progress of the battle.

Jun Mohuang was attacking one after another looking for the figure of Emperor Lingtian's parents. Suddenly, a female of the **** race with golden wings on her back passed by Jun Mohuang.

This protoss female had a golden phoenix feather mark on her forehead. She seemed to perceive someone peeping, and her golden eyes looked towards Jun Mohuang.

Jun Mohuang slammed into a pair of golden eyes, these eyes had no temperature at all, cold and biting, carrying a powerful pressure.

Those golden eyes flashed, a golden light shot out, and something entered into the divine consciousness from her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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