Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2418: He should go to please Jun Mohuang

Chapter 2418 He should go to please Jun Mohuang

Luo Chen thought that Jun Mohuang knew what would happen in advance, and was preparing for all of this in advance, his eyes were deep and his mood was complicated.

Jun Mohuang only got one golden lotus petal phantom, and the white-clothed girl got two.

Jun Mohuang knew what to do, but the white-clothed girl in his arms hadn't noticed beforehand.

Encountered this situation, just standing there blankly, at a loss, not knowing what to do, in sharp contrast with Jun Mohuang.

Luo Chen couldn't help feeling regretful. Did he make a mistake just now? He should go to please Jun Mohuang instead of turning his head to coax the girl in white.

Luo Chen passed this thought in his mind, and there were several muffled sounds around him one after another. The spirit races who had been injured kneeling on the ground again spewed a large mouthful of blood and fell into a coma.

Luo Chen and other spirit races need to use spiritual energy to support the enchantment, and cannot be distracted to cure.

This important task fell on the girl in white.

The white-clothed girl had long been frightened by the tide of monsters, she just wanted to hide in Luo Chen's arms, she didn't want to go anywhere, hearing Luo Chen's request, she couldn't help but shook her head.

"Huang'er, be good, go quickly. There is no time delay, it is not good for us to pass out!"

Luo Chen urged quickly, with a hint of impatience in his tone.

The white-clothed girl had a white face and moved slowly, trying to ignore the horror and blood around her, every step seemed to be on the tip of a knife.

"Huang'er, hurry up."

When Luo Chen saw her slow as a snail, she urged again.

The girl in white was angrily in her heart, but her pace did not speed up.

When she finally moved slowly to the first spirit race who fainted, the spirit race was bleeding from seven orifices and died of serious injuries.

Finally, after half an hour, everyone felt that a century had passed.

The battle between Warcraft finally ended, and the coercion on everyone was much lighter.

Behind Jun Mohuang, everyone was feeling lingering, and couldn't believe that they were still alive.

They looked at their companions around each other, and found that everyone was only bloodied on the corners of their lips, and did not suffer much internal injuries, and no one died as a result.

The enchantments arranged by Jun Mohuang, Di Lingtian and Zi Shuilan did well to protect them.

The spirit races do not have such good luck.

The white-clothed girl was not treated in time, and their defensive measures were not in place. The attacking weapon souls let the monsters take care of them. More than a dozen spirit races have died within half an hour.

The spirit races wiped their cold sweat. Fortunately, these monsters were not real monsters, but the ancient battlefield was inspired by the powerful energy brought out by the golden lotus in this world, showing what happened in the past. .

Otherwise, except for Luo Chen and the girl in white, they all have to see the King of Hades.

The spirit races saw Jun Mohuang, Emperor Lingtian, and Zi Shuilan's subordinates that no one had lost, and couldn't help but start to envy them.

Before everyone had time to relax, another wave of monsters arrived quickly.

This time, there are people on each of the monsters.

These people are golden eyes, pure white robes, both men and women are extremely beautiful, and the sacred breath radiates from each of them, attracting all things in the world not only to worship.

Jun Mohuang suddenly realized that these people are all gods.

Among these women of the Protoss race, several women are like her, with golden phoenix feather marks on their foreheads.

The enemies of the Protoss have the same golden eyes, which exudes a sacred breath, the only difference is their costumes.

(End of this chapter)

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