Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2420: Emperor Lingtian is injured

Chapter 2420 Emperor Lingtian is injured

Jun Mohuang's body shook, and he shuddered suddenly, his eyes turned black and he immediately lost consciousness.


Di Lingtian's **** eyes shrank suddenly, and went to chase the figure of the protoss woman, who had disappeared.

At the center of the battle between the Protoss and the Rune, a violent shock suddenly broke out.

A powerful energy swept across the ancient battlefield, tearing the barrier.

Luo Chen and the Spirit Race were the first to be among them, and the Spirit Races were parabolic, forming arcs in the air.

The ancient battlefield sent out several golden lights, hitting the spirit race who was thrown into the air.

These spirit races shook their bodies, spewing several mouthfuls of black blood in the air, pushed by the attack of the golden light, and immediately flew to the unknown place in the distance.

Luo Chen rushed away with the white-clothed girl, at this time he could no longer care about the life and death of his subordinates.

Di Lingtian took a step ahead of everyone. With a wave of his black sleeves, the tide of red aura swept Feng Yunqi, dragons, demons, Zizi and Chichi, and all the people who care about Monarch Mohuang, and the red aura was on them. Each body has a red defensive enchantment.

As for Zi Shuilan and Zi Shuilan's subordinates... Zi Shuilan was his rival in love, and Di Lingtian was not so generous yet.

Di Lingtian was shaped like the wind, leading Jun Mohuang to leave the ancient battlefield quickly.

Behind him, Feng Yunqi and others who were protected by Emperor Lingtian's red aura were thrown into the sky by the ancient battlefield, and Jin Mang attacked each of them.

Feng Yunqi and the others were safe and sound, and suffered no harm at all.

Di Lingtian's body was shocked, a trace of blood overflowed from the corner of his lips.

The red spirit enveloping these people transferred all the attacks to Di Lingtian.


When Jun Mohuang woke up again, he was in the arms of Emperor Lingtian.

They are no longer in the ancient battlefield where the Protoss and the runes once fought, but in a warm and dry cave.

The sky outside was completely dark. In the beating firelight, Jun Mohuang slowly opened his eyes, and at first glance he saw Di Lingtian's extremely handsome face.

Jun Mohuang's mind drifted past the divine race woman with a pair of temperatureless, extremely deterrent golden eyes, immediately awake completely, and sat up from Emperor Lingtian's embrace.

"Where are we, who won the battle between the Protoss and the Rune?"

This is the only picture she has seen so far that reproduces the past of the Protoss. Di Lingtian's parents are also involved. Perhaps this is related to the secret of the fall of the Protoss.

It's a pity that she didn't finish watching the battle.

"I don't know, Huang'er, after you fainted, the battle scene stopped abruptly."

Di Lingtian gathered her hair, which had been messed up from drowsiness, behind her ears.

"Huang'er, is there anything uncomfortable."

He diagnosed her for a long time, but he didn't see any abnormalities in her body.

But Di Lingtian did see that a golden gleam entered Jun Mohuang's eyes.

"No, what about the others."

Jun Mohuang shook his head and looked around the cave. There were only her and Di Lingtian.

"It's gone. Protoss and runes don't like to be spied on, even if it's a recurring scene. After the battle scene stopped, the ancient battlefield sent everyone away randomly."

"Don't worry, they will be fine."

Seeing that she rarely leaned in her arms obediently, Di Lingtian was in a great mood, and tried his best to resist the **** air surging in her chest.

The truth is that they were not transported away by the ancient battlefield at all, but were forcibly swept away by the ancient battlefield.

Just like Di Lingtian said, the gods and runes were born arrogant, and even the reproduced scenes did not want to be spied on.

Today's update is complete...

Thank you Banxia Weiliang, JK-N6, God of War, and Bai Qi for your rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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