Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2417: I... I don't know!

Chapter 2417 I... I don't know!

Jun Mohuang's defense work was in place, and Feng Yunqi and the others were under much less pressure than the spirit races. No one suffered internal injuries, but it was also very uncomfortable.

Even Zi Shuilan felt uneasy breathing.

The only thing that was not uncomfortable was Jun Mohuang, Di Lingtian protected her in his arms and resisted all the pressure for her.

With a warm embrace and a strong heartbeat, Jun Mohuang felt the only sense of security he had before.

Jun Mohuang felt warm in his heart, and pulled his sleeve to signal him not to do this.

If he hadn't stayed alone with the girl in white for a month, she would have been greatly moved.

It is a pity that this kind of principle issue, she can't just forgive him.

"Close your hearing, Huang'er."

Di Lingtian's arms did not relax at all, and he leaned over and said softly in her ear.

Jun Mohuang was puzzled, an angry monster roar suddenly came from the sky.

The great earthquake shook more intensely, the ground was shaking and the mountains were shaking, the two groups of monsters met, and the monsters began to fight to the death.

An angry, stern sound of monsters penetrated everyone's eardrums, and Jun Mohuang's ears seemed to have explosives exploding.

She finally understood Di Lingtian's intention for her to do this, and immediately blocked her hearing and isolated all voices.

Others obeyed Di Lingtian's reminder and blocked their hearing.

The mountain bursts and the ground is cracked, and the spirit is agitated.

There was too much noise in the battle between the two teams of Warcraft. Unfortunately, both the Jun Mohuang and Luo Chen teams were in the center of the war.

Because there are three continent masters on Jun Mohuang's side, the defense barriers are layered layer after layer, and there are fifteen solid shields of the level of golden sacred weapons.

A solid shield is the main defense, without any aura of attack.

The attacking weapon soul has a strong attacking genus, but because Feng Yunqi and others obeyed Jun Mohuang's words, each person only chooses the same, not many.

The attack attributes of these artifact souls are perfectly hidden by layers of barriers.

The monsters couldn't sense the aura of attack, they just passed by, turning a blind eye to the several layers of defense barriers supported by Jun Mohuang and the others.

Everyone felt horrified and not injured.

Luo Chen's situation is very bad.

Their enchantment is not as strong as Jun Mohuang's side, Luo Chen has collected a lot of attacking spirits before.

Even if it was sealed in a crystal bottle, an invisible attack gas radiated.

The monsters sensed the aura of attack, and they trampled on the barrier between Luo Chen and the spirit race without being polite.

With a crisp sound of "bang", the spirit race opened a layer of barrier and shattered.

The defensive power was reduced, and the powerful pressure swept over, many spirit races immediately knelt down, barely supporting the body with one hand, and spit out a big mouth of blood.

Luo Chen's forehead was covered with cold sweat, and the attacking weapon souls in the space ring changed from treasures to hot potatoes.

He finally understood why Jun Mohuang didn't just Feng Yunqi and others collect too much attacking weapon soul, the real reason is here!

"Huang'er, what should I do now!"

These are the souls of the sacred golden weapons. They used to be weapons in the hands of the Protoss. Luo Chen didn't have the ability to destroy them.

There are too many, and he can't suppress the aura of attack from these spirits.

Luo Chen had to put hope on the girl in white, hoping that she would find a solution.

"I... Brother Chen, I don't know!"

The girl in white has pale face and has difficulty breathing. She has never seen such a big scene.

Even if Luo Chen was confined under the lake in his previous life, it was never so scary.

These are thousands of Yuansheng Beasts, each one is more powerful than her, how could she have a way!

(End of this chapter)

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