Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2416: Yuansheng Group Attack 2

Chapter 2416 Yuansheng Group Attack 2

At this time, the black smoke rushing from a distance was approaching.

"My God! It's a group of monsters! It's all a group of monsters above the Primordial Saint Realm!"

Behind Luo Chen, the spirit races finally saw what the black smoke was, and couldn't help exclaiming.

All the spirit races looked intently and found that it was so, and everyone's face showed a look of astonishment.

This is not black smoke at all, but a group of monsters.

The group of beasts obscures the sky and the sun, there are thousands of them, each with a head and feet as big as a hill, with awe-inspiring awe-inspiring, scarlet eyes, leaking murderous intent.

The pressure swept over the sky, the air was stagnant, and the spirit races had difficulty breathing.

"Huang'er, how to deal with it!"

Luo Chen suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart, and he immediately looked at the girl in white.

The girl in white had two golden lotus petals phantoms. Now that she knows how to disperse the golden sacred weapon, she must know how to get through this moment safely.

"I... I don't know!"

The girl in white had been scared to pale by the rushing monsters.

At this time, she later realized that she shouldn’t listen to Luo Chen. She should follow the instructions in her mind, like Jun Mohuang, to collect defensive souls and use the gold sand under her feet to make defensive ones. Gold sacred weapon.

The girl in white kept complaining about Luo Chen in her heart, but she forgot the fact that she could not refine tools at all.

Thousands of Yuansacred Realm Beast Swarms, they had to be trampled to death just by running over. Luo Chen was not an opponent of the Beast Swarm in this situation.

The spirit race wanted to tell Luo Chen to retreat and avoid the group of monsters that rushed over.

When they looked back, they discovered that the same group of monsters rushed behind them.

This is true in all directions, and they are inevitable.

The pressure is like tide, in this case, you can't even use the wings to take off.

It's no wonder that Jun Mohuang had to make preparations early and unfold layer after layer of barriers.

No wonder she wants to collect defensive gold sacred weapons!

"All the spirit races listen to the orders and sacrifice all your light source power and aura!"

Luo Chen's face was heavy, he was aware of the seriousness of the matter, and was very dissatisfied with the girl in white who didn't know what to do.

The spirit races immediately followed suit.

The power of the light source, all the spiritual auras of the spirit race and Luo Chen's defense formation, plus the barrier supported by Luo Chen alone, form a four-layer defense barrier.

The spirit races all approached Luo Chen, hiding under this layer of defense barrier.

There are four layers of defensive barriers on the Spirit Clan's side, which is much inferior to that on Jun Mohuang's side.

Luo Chen's eyes narrowed slightly, and there was a cold light in his eyes.

No wonder Jun Mohuang wanted to collect defensive spirits, she had already known that this would happen!

This woman was able to refine a ten-faced golden sacred shield in so much time, it made him very surprised.

But Luo Chen couldn't tolerate any more thoughts, the group of monsters covered the sky and covered the sun, and had already rushed towards him.

Everyone felt black in front of them, and countless monsters blocked their eyes. There seemed to be millions of catties pressed on their backs, and their internal organs were about to shatter, almost vomiting.

Some spirit races who couldn't bear it had already knelt on their knees, and blood began to flow from the corners of their lips.

The claws of these monsters stepped on the barrier, and the barrier immediately made a sound of being on the verge of breaking.

All the spirit races had pale faces, qi and blood all over their bodies, blood dripping from their eyes, ears and corners of their lips, and they were trembling.

(End of this chapter)

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