Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2360: Mission completed successfully

Chapter 2360 successfully completed the mission

"High priest, Ben Queen orders you to catch this woman immediately behind Ben!"

The girl in white didn't want to wait any longer.

What is going on in this world, why are the **** women who upset her surnamed Jun!

"No, the **** queen must not, don't forget to use the power of this woman to collect the light source."

"The body of the Queen of God is not worthy of anger with this woman!"

The high priest immediately stopped the crazy idea of ​​the girl in white.

He wanted to catch the little **** surnamed Jun earlier, he would torture her severely and avenge his beloved son.

But at the moment there is more important thing than revenge for Aiko.

"The Queen of God, Lord Hei asked his subordinates twice before retreating, and must ensure that the Queen of God gets more power of the light source to the greatest extent, and the Queen must not be angry with such people!"

The high priest shuddered when he thought of the terrible leader of the black shadow man.

He was not the leader of the black shadow man, just a while ago, the black shadow man leader suddenly came to the door and used intimidation and threats to turn the high priest into his own.

As for the specific intimidation and threats, the high priest simply did not want to recall, in short, he did not want to recall the second time in his life.


It's the leader of the Sombra again.

The white-clothed girl was angry and bored thinking of the black shadow leader coming out to roar at her after retreating.

Forget it, the more the power of the light source, the stronger the colorful divine light produced by the heart of the source after it recognizes the Lord.

Because of her, she was wronged and couldn't bear it. Anyway, there are still ten tribes who have not been treated, and the woman named Jun will soon fall into her hands.

"High priest, you go and take the elite guards of the spiritual palace, the number is up to you. After she has cured the last tribe, she will be arrested in the spiritual palace immediately, no mistake!"

The white-clothed girl glared at the high priest: "If you miss again this time, I will chop off your head!"

"Yes, don't worry about the Queen of God, this time her subordinates will never miss it!"

The high priest is confident.

The last time was a complete accident, this time the girl in white also asked him to pick as many as he wanted, and he would never let the little **** surnamed Jun escape.

Two hours later, the girl in white treated the last ten tribes.

The sound transmission jade talisman rang softly, and the girl in white took out the sound transmission jade talisman, which was a message from Emperor Lingtian.

Di Lingtian understands her fatigue these days, and has arranged her favorite dishes in the palace.

The girl in white was full of heart, and her whole heart beat fast.

In comparison, Di Lingtian knew how to pet people better, and the girl in white immediately returned to the spiritual palace at the fastest speed.

Jun Mohuang over there.

Following the footsteps of the white-clothed girl, Jun Mohuang rescued the deadly pregnant spiritual woman in the last tribe of Lingdu.

The matter was over, Feng Yunqi, Wu Qianyong, the Dragon and Mo people came to the vicinity of the tribe where Jun Mohuang was and returned to the Phoenix Jade Space.

"Boss, we are back and we have successfully completed our mission."

As soon as Feng Yunqi entered the Phoenix Space, he began to report loudly.

"Oh, it's a pity that I can't go together, Laogui, depressed!"

The old turtle looked at everyone with excitement and depression.

He has been transformed into a human form from a beast, and the white spar can't conceal his taste of beast. He can't completely disguise as a spirit race.

They could only watch Feng Yunqi eagerly when they went out to do things for the master.

"Well, stop making trouble, you will have your chance next time, old turtle."

Feng Yunqi stretched out his hand and patted the old turtle on the shoulder.

"Everyone, be quiet, I'll count the individual counts to see who hasn't returned yet."

(End of this chapter)

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