Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2361: Jun Mohuang was arrested

Chapter 2361 Jun Mohuang was arrested

Feng Yunqi began to count the number of people.

Wu Qianyong's eyes and wind moved along his hand, eagerly looking for Shi Feng's figure in the crowd.

When Shi Feng did not return on time, Wu Qianyong began to panic.

Shi Feng's hidden escape skill is the strongest among them all.

It is impossible for him to have anything wrong, maybe he was looking for Di Lingtian in the spiritual capital to no avail, and took the opportunity to find out the information for the boss.

Wu Qianyong felt quite relieved when he thought about it this way.

But somehow, he was always a little worried.

Outside the Huangyu space.

A group of spirit tribesmen were grateful and knelt down to Jun Mohuang.

"Thank you, priest, you are really the savior of our tribe. All of us will always remember your great kindness!"

"Everyone, get up, it doesn't have to be this way."

Jun Mohuang waved her small hand. She did this not because of her kindness, but to a greater extent because of the power of the light source.

Jun Mohuang left the tribe and spoke with Feng Yunqi and others in the Phoenix Space through his divine sense.

At this time, Feng Yunqi had already ordered the number of people.

"Boss, Shi Feng has not come back."

Feng Yunqi's tone was not as cheerful as before.

"Don't worry, Shi Feng should have gone to inquire about intelligence."

Jun Mohuang also thought like Wu Qianyong.

Luo Chen is not in Lingdu, and the girl in white can't catch Shi Feng, he won't be in danger.

"But the boss..."

Wu Qianyong summoned his courage and was about to confess why he let Shifeng go.

Jun Mohuang said comfortingly: "Don't worry, Shi Feng is really in danger, he will definitely warn him through the sound transmission jade talisman."

While Jun Mohuang communicated with them in divine consciousness, he walked out of the tribe.

"Quick, it's this woman!"

The high priest led a large number of spiritual palace elite guards, who had been waiting here long ago, waiting for the appearance of Jun Mohuang.

The high priest watched Jun Mohuang walk out calmly, and a strong hatred burst into his old eyes.

A large number of elite guards of the Spirit Palace have surrounded Jun Mohuang and blocked her escape route.

"It's finally here. Let me guess your purpose. Your **** queen wants to take me to the palace and take away my power of light."

Jun Mohuang's black jewel-like eyes flickered, and quickly glanced at the elite guards of the spiritual palace that surrounded her, his expression was not the slightest panic.

It seems that the high priest has fully grasped the spirit of gaining wisdom from a tragedy.

The last time fifty elite guards of the Spirit Palace captured her and failed, this time he brought a hundred of them.

"Hmph, you're a little self-aware. Now that you know it, you will soon be obediently arrested, and go to the spiritual palace with this priest to see the Queen of God!"

The high priest snorted arrogantly. One hundred Yuansheng realm powerhouses, this woman finally knew she was afraid.

"Boss, let us go out soon to get rid of this old bastard!"

In the Huangyu space, when everyone saw the high priest, they thought of the squinting old son of the high priest, and felt quite upset.

"Quiet, don't worry."

Jun Mohuang interrupted the secret word transmission with them in the divine sense, the beautiful little face under the veil was smiling, and he looked at the high priest.

"Okay, since the Queen of God sincerely invited me to be a guest in the spiritual palace, how can I not, let's make the way ahead."

"What invitation, don't put gold on your face!"

"Go, keep an eye on this woman!"

The high priest stared at Jun Mohuang for two seconds.

He wanted to make the elite guards of the spiritual palace tied to the five flowers of the Emperor Mohuang and tied them to the spiritual palace, so that this woman would be embarrassed.

But after another thought, this woman was too evil, so she gave up.

(End of this chapter)

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