Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2359: Image plummet

Chapter 2359 Image plummets

The spirit tribes didn't believe it at first, so they sent people to take a look outside the spirit palace. So many tribes were kneeling outside the spirit palace.

And the faithful supporters of the white-clothed girl were not reconciled. When the white-clothed girl went to her tribe, they knelt down and begged her to treat the pregnant spiritual woman who was killed by her, causing the white-clothed girl to be furious.

The white-clothed girl thinks that she has given the young patriarch of the purple tribe five hundred spirit palace whips enough to make these humble spirit tribes remember, but she didn't expect that they would still be persistent and still deliberately embarrass her.

People have been put to death by her, how else can they be saved!

This group of spirit races must have done it deliberately, they were taunting her for killing someone, deliberately acting aggressively.

They were using these words to remind her that she should leave all this to the woman surnamed Jun!

The white-clothed girl felt that she had been insulted and offended, and when she became angry, not only did she fail to save people, but instead rewarded these diehards with a thousand spiritual whips.

These poor loyal fans, who didn't know where they were wrong, were almost half-failed by being beaten by the spiritual palace.

There were many spirit races outside the palace staying there, they wanted to see, Feng Yunqi was right.

It turned out that the tribes behind the faithful of the white-clothed girls were not only punished to kneel outside the spiritual palace, but were also rewarded with a thousand whips. Everyone had nothing to say.

The spirit races who watched the excitement outside the palace immediately do the birds and beasts.

Feng Yunqi was right to say that the **** queen would put to death the pregnant women of the spirit race, and the **** queen was very vengeful, so don't tell her anything about the priest.

Moreover, it is not possible to continue to treat the pregnant woman of the Spirit Race after she has been put to death. Otherwise, the whole family will be punished to kneel and reward a thousand Spirit Palace whips.

Kneeling is good to say, the taste of a thousand spirit palace whips, tsk tsk, think about it, they all feel their bodies are shaking.

These spirit races only thought they had the secret of not irritating the white-clothed girl.

But they did not expect that it would be useless not to mention these two points.

They had already known in advance that there would be a pregnant spiritual woman in the tribe, and they couldn't help showing a look of fear, for fear that their wife would suffer bad luck.

As soon as the white-clothed girl came, seeing these spirit race people looked scared, the anger in her heart began to surge again.

These people must have known that she had killed the spiritual pregnant woman, so they were afraid.

She could easily guess the thoughts of the spirit races.

The white-clothed girl was very angry. After the death of a few pregnant women of the spirit tribe, she successfully treated the pregnant women of these tribes and punished these spirit tribes to kneel outside the spirit palace and reflect on her faults.

In this way, if the girl in white does not reach a spirit tribe, that spirit tribe will be unlucky and will be punished to kneel in the spirit palace.

However, compared to receiving five hundred spirit palace whips and one thousand spirit palace whips, but the whole family kneeled outside the spirit palace, this punishment was relatively light.

There is no impermeable wall in the world.

Jun Mohuang personally rescued the pregnant women she had put to death, and let the demons, dragons and others pretend to be members of the spirit tribe, and spread the news of the white-clothed girl's death to the ears of the white-clothed girl.

This news was brought by the high priest.

"What, this bitch! The empress didn't arrest her immediately a few days ago, it was already to save her face, she even dared to ruin her reputation."

Faced with the screams and blood of the spiritual pregnant women for three days and three nights, and without Di Lingtian's company, the girl in white was about to transform into a female tyrannosaurus that was breathing fire everywhere.

In anger, she didn't even think about why Jun Mohuang could rescue the pregnant women of the spirit race.

(End of this chapter)

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