Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2333: Unexpected miracle 2

Chapter 2333 Unexpected Miracle 2

All the Yin people couldn't help sighing, and sure enough, even the monarch priests were helpless.

They had expected the facts, but there were still disappointments that were hard to hide.

Alas, they are too hard for others to be so harsh on the monarch priest.

Many Yin people relax their attention to Jun Mohuang.

"Look, wow, look at the priest Kuaijun!"

"It's amazing! It's amazing!"

Soon, the companions around him pulled their sleeves vigorously, eagerly asking them to see Jun Mohuang.

The Yin people of this tribe set their eyes again on the movements in Jun Mohuang's hands.

They will never forget what happened next.

Jun Mohuang reached out and took out the nine golden needles from the tops of the three ladies.

Every time she took out a gold needle, the corresponding lady's body would twitch violently.

This kind of convulsion is like a dying person struggling.

The visual impact is very strong, but the effect is very obvious.

Every time the three ladies were drawn a gold needle, every time they twitched, the blood on their faces would add a point.

When Jun Mohuang withdrew the golden needle from his neck, joy burst out in the eyes of the three young Yin people who had been holding the hand of the wife tightly.

"Madam...Madam's body is warming!"

The young chief of the Yin clan was unbelievable about this change.

If it hadn't been for his wife's hands to gradually get warm, he couldn't believe this miracle would happen.

The Yin people stared at Jun Mohuang intently, wishing to stick their eyes on her hands.

They can't wait to see what she will do next.

As everyone watched, Jun Mohuang walked slowly in front of the three ladies and stretched out his hand to take out the gold needle pierced into the hearts of the three.

When the golden needle was taken out of the body of the young patriarch's wife, her body twitched suddenly, and the blood from her whole body instantly returned to the heart.

The stopped heart was regrouped with blood and began to beat vigorously.

The young patriarch's wife slowly opened her eyes.

"Madam! Madam!"

The patriarch of the Yin clan was ecstatic, and immediately hugged his wife.

The Yin people onlookers burst into cheers and unbelievable voices.

The eyes of the other two Yin youths flashed with excitement, and the young patriarch’s wife was rescued. Wouldn't it be okay for their wives.

Jun Mohuang walked to the two remaining ladies, and at the same time took out the golden needles from their hearts.

Then, the two wives also resurrected like the wife of the young patriarch.

"Xie Jun priest's life-saving grace! Xie Jun priest's great grace!"

All succeeded!

Everyone in the Yin clan was cheering, and they quickly recovered quiet, surrounded Jun Mohuang in the middle, expressing gratitude.

Words can't express all of this, they even wanted to kneel down for Jun Mohuang, but she was stopped.

"No, it's just a matter of hand, and it's not a difficult task. But I rescued my wife, and the three sons can't help it."

Jun Mohuang wasn't pretending to be humble, she had the golden spiritual spring in her hands, it was really not difficult to rescue the three.

The three ladies are suspended animations. If there is no strong energy to repair the body, even if she uses golden needles to pierce them into a hornet's nest, she will not wake up.

The golden spiritual spring contains the power of origin, which is the power of the gods.

In this world, apart from the Shenquan, there is nothing more powerful than the Golden Spiritual Spring, capable of repairing all the energy consumed by the body in extreme time.

With the nourishment of the golden spiritual spring, she used a long golden needle to puncture the three deadly parts of the top of the head, the cervical spine and the heart to the greatest extent, and the three ladies smoothly woke up from the suspended animation.

Today's update is complete...

Thank you 0728 for your reward.

(End of this chapter)

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