Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2334: Silence

Chapter 2334 Forbidden Curse

"Priest monarch, you rescued our wife for us, and we are grateful!"

The young Yin patriarch and two other Yin youths shook their heads hurriedly.

No matter how clever her technique is, it is impossible to rescue the child who has been turned into a mass of flesh and blood.

The Yin people's gratitude to her reached its peak, and Jun Mohuang gained a lot of light source power.

"The three ladies are fine now, I will go to other tribes first."

After Jun Mohuang finished speaking, he smashed and transmitted the jade amulet.

"Gongshou the priest!"

All the Yin people bowed respectfully to her and straightened their backs completely after they knew that Jun Mohuang had disappeared.

"Great, the priest monarch rescued our wives!"

The Yin people were full of joy. After the joy, the young patriarch suddenly thought of something and immediately took out the sound transmission jade.

"Young patriarch, no."

The Great Elder immediately stepped forward to stop it.

"Elder, why, shouldn't we tell other tribes about what happened to the Yin tribe, so that they will be psychologically prepared?"

The young patriarch looked at the big elder with doubts.

The girl in white had an accident despite the speed they had arranged in advance.

If possible, the young patriarch wanted these spirit races to tactfully refuse the treatment of the white-clothed girl.

"Young patriarch, have you forgotten the clan rules that every tribe in Lingdu must follow?"

"We can express a certain degree of dissatisfaction with the actions of the lord and the queen, but we must not openly discuss certain things done by the lord and the queen."

The great elder's old face carried a warning.

"I believe the young patriarch can understand this certain matter, including this matter."

The so-called certain things are that you cannot talk about the privacy of the two, and you cannot talk about the shame of the two or what they did not do well.

The matter of the girl in white is obviously a combination of shame and not doing well enough.

The purity and nobility of blood in the heavenly spirit world is second only to Luo Chen, and the **** queen, who has always been famous for medicine refining and medical skills, is no better than a monarch priest who comes from outside the city of Seven Stars and is not even a seventh-level bloodline.

Of course the girl in white was ashamed and did not do well.

"No, elder, I don't believe in this evil, if the queen of God wants to punish, just punish me."

The young patriarch then remembered that there seemed to be such a rule.

He thought he reminded other tribes that the news that the girl in white had killed her was entirely out of good intentions.

He didn't want to follow such pedantic and ridiculous regulations.

If the girl in white does not want to lose face, then what she should do is work hard to improve her ability, rather than forbid others to say it.

"Yes, we all support the young patriarch!"

The other Yin people nodded vigorously.

This time, all those left behind are young people with a small grade and not so much practical experience.

They obviously don't care about authority as much as senior elders.

Before the great elder had time to stop, the young patriarch had already picked up the sound transmission jade.

"The Queen of God..."

The young patriarch said a word, and the sound transmission jade in his hand suddenly burst, and the young patriarch let out an exclamation.

His hands were blown to blood and flesh and blood was broken.


The young patriarch covered his eyes slightly, this sound transmission jade talisman was under a banning curse, and it was forbidden to send any related information to the girl in white.

Obviously, this was done before the girl in white left.

This kind of curse is very simple for the white-clothed girl. Luo Chen will engrave the forbidden jade talisman, and the sound transmission jade talisman used by the spirit race comes from Luo Chen.

The girl in white only needs to hold the forbidden jade talisman in her hand and inject the spiritual energy to cast the forbidden spell on the sound transmission jade talisman of all the spirit races in the entire spiritual capital.

(End of this chapter)

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