Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2332: Unexpected miracle

Chapter 2332 An Unexpected Miracle

"No, no, the monarch priest, my wife is dead, we can no longer blaspheme the monarch priest, the monarch priest must be busy saving other tribes, and can't delay the time of the monarch priest."

Soon the young patriarch changed his mind again, holding the dead lady back.

He was extremely sad, and his mind began to be confused. He forgot to sit on the bedside and couldn't move back.

Jun Mohuang took a small step forward and grabbed the young patriarch's wife by the wrist.

Cold and stiff, no different from a dead man's hand.

Jun Mohuang's eyes flickered, and he quickly squeezed the wrists of the other two wives.

"Don't rush to be sad, who said that the three ladies are dead, and there is still a rescue."

This is due to excessive blood loss, coupled with cardiac arrest caused by miscarriage, and the three are on the verge of dying.

"Priest monarch, really...really!"

The three Yin people stared with round eyes and opened their mouths with incredible expressions.

They all sat there stupefied, even suspecting that their backs were excessive, and auditory hallucinations appeared.

Their wife obviously didn't even have a heartbeat, and her whole body was cold and stiff, how could it be saved.

"Of course it is true. Put the three of them together, I will have to do first aid, and the time will be too late."

Jun Mohuang nodded and took out nine gold needles from the space ring.

Each golden needle is one inch long and three times thicker than the usual needles used for shallow acupuncture points.

The nine long golden needles exude a cold golden light.

This is a special gold needle made by the golden crystal, which can directly pierce the rigid bones of the human body.

The three Yin people shuddered when they saw these nine needles.

Golden crystals can kill people as tiny weapons as they are made of cow hair, not to mention these nine thick and long needles.

Soon they were ecstatic, made sure that they had not heard it wrong, and put the three ladies together as quickly as possible.

Jun Mohuang used three of them first, and the three long silver needles were immediately pushed onto the heads of the three by her and pierced directly into the brain.

Only one centimeter was left before Jun Mohuang stopped.

The ten-finger slender, like jade, flew, the Emperor Mohuang seals, and divides the fifteen drops of golden spiritual spring into three parts. Using the technique of moving objects in the air, the three parts of the spiritual spring are moved into the stomachs of the three ladies, and they are guided by spiritual energy. The golden spiritual spring flows all over the body.

After completing this step, Jun Mohuang said to the three of them: "Help them up, I will stab the neck."

The three immediately made it.

Jun Mohuang picked up three long needles and pierced the last segment of their cervical vertebrae.

She asked the three Yin people to level the three wives, and the last three needles pierced the hearts of the three.

Since Jun Mohuang began to rescue, other Yin people have also surrounded him.

Everyone watched her rescue.

The Yin people's psychological state is very complicated. While they doubted their strong expectations, they looked forward to Jun Mohuang's rescue.

But common sense and reason tell them that unless the Protoss comes to this world, no one in this world can save a person whose heart has stopped beating and whose body is already cold and stiff.

Jun Mohuang's methods are also very deterrent.

The top of the head, the tail of the cervical spine and the heart are fatal places.

If you pierce such a needle in three places at the same time, you will die immediately.

If the person being rescued was not Jun Mohuang, they would definitely blast away the person who used this method and claimed to save the person.

What saves people is almost the same.

But the opponent is Jun Mohuang, and a miracle may happen.

Everyone in the Yin clan watched Jun Mohuang's movements closely. So far, the three dead ladies showed no signs of coming back to life.

(End of this chapter)

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