Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2331: Heart is ashamed

Chapter 2331

The young patriarch of the Yin clan rushed out like a gust of wind, he rushed to the white-clothed girl regardless of the distinction of respect and inferiority.

"Queen of God, didn't you say that there is no big problem? Why is my wife gone! Our three wives are gone!"

Behind the young patriarch of the Yin clan, there are two Yin clan members with red eyes.

"How can it be possible to treat illnesses and save people without killing people? I am very busy, and I have no time to waste time explaining to you people who don't understand any pharmacology."

The girl in white had a cold expression and interrupted him directly.

"After the Yin clan rudely confronted the book, from now on, all the people of the clan, including pregnant women, will kneel in front of the spiritual palace until the king returns to the spiritual capital."

The girl in white clothes was cold and ruthless. After saying this, she smashed the sound transmission jade talisman and immediately went to the next tribe.

Hmph, these tribes are looking forward to the priest named Jun, right? She just wouldn't let them get what they wanted!

The white-clothed girl left, every Yin member was angry, they had never been so angry before.

What kind of treatment can save people, how can it not kill people!

Not to mention the cities of the Celestial Spirit Realm, with the exception of the Tu people, none of the tribes rescued by the monarch priests caused a single life.

It was clearly an excuse that the white-clothed girl couldn't do it herself.

"Madam, madam..."

The other Yin people were angry, and the three who lost their wife and unborn children were crying in grief and crying while holding their wife's body that was getting colder.

They couldn't believe it. They were still hopeful for the first seven minutes.

Seven minutes later, their hope became despair.

The person who brings them despair is the kind, beautiful, and spiritual queen in their hearts.

Let them go to the palace to punish them and kneel, even the pregnant women who have just recovered.

The Yin people cannot imagine that the white-clothed girl who has always been perfect in their hearts will be so indifferent and unhuman.

Two minutes later, Jun Mohuang arrived at the Yin clan one minute earlier.

As soon as she arrived, she immediately found that the atmosphere of the Yin people was not right, and the entire Yin people were enveloped in a layer of anger and sorrow.

"Priest Monarch, I'm really sorry, the **** queen will come first, we can't stop it, alas."

"I hope the priest will not be angry."

The great elder stepped forward for the first time, and he was like an elder ten years old.

Among the three pregnant women who died, one was his daughter-in-law.

"She killed someone, didn't she?"

There was a clear color in Jun Mohuang's black jewel-like eyes.

What happened after the girl in white came to the Yin clan is really easy to guess.

Just look at the expressions of these Yin people.

"Oh, yes."

The elder's eyes flickered and he sighed heavily.

"I gonna go see."

Jun Mohuang passed by the elder and walked to the room where the pregnant women gathered.

The Yin tribe is only a medium-sized tribe in the spiritual capital, and the number of pregnant women in the tribe is not even comparable to that of the Liao family in Qixing City.

The seven pregnant women who escaped danger have been transferred, and only three young men are left in the room crying while holding the three dead pregnant women.

These pregnant women died of heavy hemorrhage. There was no blood in their bodies. After only two minutes of death, their bodies had already begun to stiffen.

Jun Mohuang walked to the young patriarch of the Yin clan, reaching out to reach the young patriarch's wife on the wrist of the bed.

The young patriarch, who was immersed in grief, found her coming, and suddenly stopped crying.

With surprise on her face, she looked at her hopefully.

"Priest, you are here!"

"Priest, please save my wife!"

(End of this chapter)

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