Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2330: Dead

Chapter 2330 is dead

All the Yin people stared at her back, obviously not expecting her tone and attitude to be so bad.

Seeing the door heavily closed by the white-clothed girl, all the Yin people got up and looked at each other.

For some reason, they suddenly had a bad feeling.

The peace of mind the white-clothed girl brought to them was obviously not as good as Jun Mohuang.

The Yin people became more nervous when the screams of pain from the Yin pregnant women kept coming out of the room.

They even had the idea of ​​rushing in to see what was happening, but they were stopped by the elder in time.


The white-clothed girl had just entered it, and a strong and sweet **** smell pierced her nose and mouth.

The white-clothed girl forcibly resisted the urge to nausea and vomit, with disgust on her face, began to treat these spiritual pregnant women.

She first chose to treat the wife of the young patriarch of the Yin nationality.

After the white-clothed girl returned to the spiritual palace, she never saw blood and blood, and never treated a spiritual pregnant woman.

With Di Lingtian's company, her whole heart was floating, and she completely forgot how to treat.

Seeing the large blood stains on the sheets, the expressions of the pregnant women of the spirit tribe were painful and distorted, and the white-clothed girls were not as neat as usual.

She had to think about it before she could remember which acupuncture points were used for the treatment.

Of course, when she used to treat pregnant women of the Spirit Race, Di Lingtian would patiently guide her beside and tell her what to do.

Without Di Lingtian, the girl in white is very unaccustomed.

The white-clothed girl strayed in her mind, thinking of Emperor Lingtian. When the three silver needles in her hand were piercing the three acupuncture points on the abdomen of the young patriarch’s wife at the same time, two silver needles were pierced and plunged into the adjacent acupuncture points next to her.

Saving people and curing diseases can be a thousand miles away.

The three silver needles directly pierced the dangerous position of the abdomen.

The young patriarch's wife shook her whole body, and a scream came from her throat, and her whole body twitched like an electric shock.

The white-clothed girl jumped in shock. She could not hold the silver needle in her hand and fell directly to the ground.

When she took out the silver needle from the space ring again, the young patriarch’s wife was full of blood on the bed, her eyes were staring straight at her, and she had stopped breathing.


When the white-clothed girl stepped back, she was really unlucky, and she died the first time she was treated.

The girl in white did not feel guilty at all, but showed an expression of disgust.

She walked to other pregnant women and continued treatment.


After another scream came, the young patriarch could no longer stand, and wanted to rush in, but was stopped by the elder again.

"Grand Elder, the voice just now was made by the lady, I must enter and see!"

"Young patriarch, the **** queen is inside, nothing will happen."

It took a lot of effort for the great elder to finally persuade people.

The girl in white represents Luo Chen, and they must not offend her.

There are constant screams, and the Yin people have never felt that time is so difficult.

Finally, seven minutes later, the girl in white finally opened the door and walked out with a gloomy face.

After the Yin people saluted the girl in white, they rushed into the room as quickly as possible.

Except for the great elder, the great elder greeted the girl in white.

"Thank you God Empress for helping, how is the situation."

"No big problem."

The girl in white is a little bit weak.

But she quickly regained her composure, and only three out of ten died. Of course it was not a big problem.

"Madam! Madam!"

"Madam, speak up!"

When the elder heard that a stone finally fell in his heart, and before he had time to thank her again, a cry of grief to the extreme came from the house.

(End of this chapter)

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