Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2322: Let's play it all together 2

Chapter 2322 Everyone finishes playing together 2

When the elder thought that he hadn't saved any of his children, he was already in a frenzy.

The other Tu people are not much better than the Great Elder. They heard the command of the Great Elder, and their eyes suddenly brightened.

Yes, they didn't keep their children, and the other tribes don't even think about it!

There were one or two opposing voices, and they were all overwhelmed by the anger of the Tu people.

The angered Tu people were very fast, and after a minute, all the Tu people, regardless of their status, were assembled.

Holding torches, they went to make trouble among other tribes, preventing Jun Mohuang from successfully treating them.

The Tu people made such a big disturbance, and after a few minutes, everyone knew it.

After other tribes learned of the intentions of the Tu people, they were very dissatisfied with the practice of the Tu people.

"These Tu people are also too overbearing, they have no brains not to believe in the monarch priests, and get this kind of result by themselves, so why don't the pregnant women in our tribe be rescued by the monarch priests!"

"Yes, if you do something wrong, you have to pay the price! We respect the priest monarch very much, and are willing to let her treat the pregnant women of the tribe. Why should we let us carry the pot with the Tu people!"

For a time, similar complaints were heard among all the tribes.

Amidst these complaints, some tribal elders gladly wiped the cold sweat from their foreheads.

To be honest, if it weren’t for the lessons learned from the Tu people, they would probably take the same approach as the Tu people.

Fortunately, fortunately, the fact that the Tu people poured in blood told them what would happen if they refused to Jun Mohuang.

At this time, killing them would not say nothing to Jun Mohuang.

"Everyone, we will not allow the Tu people to do such a foolish act. We must prevent the forces from counterattacking!"

The elders of the other tribes each took out the sound transmission jade talisman and discussed it, and each formed a team to stop this absurd behavior of the Tu people.

The two teams quickly met on the dark street, and the noise caused many small tribes.

The spiritual pregnant women of the middle and small tribes of Lingdu hadn't started to give birth. After they learned what was going on outside, they immediately let out a cold sweat.

The white-clothed girl returned to Lingdu, and all the tribes of Lingdu were full of respect and trust in her.

At that time, everyone believed that after she came back, there were only signs of miscarriage in the spiritual capital, and the white-clothed girl would immediately appear for treatment.

Unexpectedly, there were real signs of miscarriage, the girl in white was nowhere to be found, and no one could be contacted.

The elders of these small tribes saw that things were not good, and at the same time made up their minds secretly that if the pregnant women of the spirit tribe in their tribe showed signs of miscarriage, they must not refuse the monarch priest.

Even to contact the priest at the first time, respectfully invite her to the tribe.

The two teams formed by the Tu and other tribes were making noise outside, and Jun Mohuang quickly learned.

Judging from the experience with the Tu people just now, she is not surprised that the Tu people have done these things.

Jun Mohuang doesn't have the energy and time to manage these now. Jun Mohuang puts all his attention on treating these pregnant women of the spiritual race and gaining the power of the light source.

She had inferred earlier that the outbreak of signs of small and medium births in Lingdu would start from the major tribes, and then spread from top to bottom.

The big tribes bear the brunt, and then it's the turn of some small tribes.

It is easy to say that the large tribes only account for about one-tenth of the population of the entire Lingdu, and the small tribes are as numerous as stars.

Jun Mohuang is more than enough to deal with the big tribes now, once the signs of miscarriage spread to the small tribes, she will not be able to speed it too fast.

(End of this chapter)

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