Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2323: Great mess

Chapter 2323 Chaos

From now on, she must seize every minute of her time.

This is also the fundamental reason why she was unwilling to waste time on the Tu people just now persuading them to let herself go for treatment.

For the first few tribes, Jun Mohuang would also have a few words with these spirit races who were extremely grateful to them.

Later, after the treatment was completed, she waved her hand to the spirit races waiting outside, crushed and sent the jade talisman to the next place.

Because of this, the spirit race's respect for Jun Mohuang has been even higher.

"The monarch priest is really great, she is a true spiritual person."

Many spirit races admired Jun Mohuang in this way.

If they were replaced by other priests of light, they would definitely take this opportunity to blackmail them.

But Jun Mohuang didn't ask for anything. Before he could even say a word, he hurried to the next tribe.

These spirit races admired her highly, and Jun Mohuang had gained more power of light source invisibly.

The pregnant women of the spiritual tribes of the major tribes showed signs of miscarriage. The two teams of the Tu and other tribes continued to clash, and the whole spirit was in chaos that night.

The girl in white never showed up, she didn't even issue a command, and no one knew what she was doing.

Because of this, most spirit races have extinguished a lot of their enthusiasm for the girl in white.

Of course, the white-clothed girl would not appear. She was busy drinking tea with Di Lingtian in the spiritual palace, admiring the moon and chatting. The anti-disturbance barrier she arranged by herself prevented her from learning all the news.

The entire Spirit Palace was in a mess because of this incident.

All the spirit races in the palace already knew what happened outside.

They wanted to tell this news to the girl in white so that she would come forward for treatment, but they could not even notice the girl in white by interfering with the barrier.

An atmosphere of panic spreads even in the dungeon of the Spirit Palace.

"Stop! Tell this priest what happened!"

In a dark cell with no light, Priest Zhi ignored the worrisome sanitary conditions in the dungeon, grabbed the iron cage with both hands, and stopped a jailer passing by.

His pure white robe was immediately engraved with black stripes.

The spiritual palace began to be uneasy after night, and even the priest Zhi in the dungeon heard the noise outside.

Speaking of which, Priest Zhi is also very unlucky.

He did not approve of the white-clothed girl sending someone to the Feng Clan to arrest people. At that time, he took out the sound transmission jade talisman outside the spiritual palace to inform Luo Chen of this.

When the news was sent, Priest Zhi was captured by the strong master of the Primordial Saint Realm who had been ruled out by the white-clothed girl.

The girl in white was afraid that Priest Zhi would do her harm. Before she could catch Jun Mohuang, Priest Zhi must be thrown into the dungeon of the spiritual palace.

Priest Zhi’s sound transmission jade talisman will also be destroyed at the same time. The message he sent to Luo Chen has lost the source of transmission power and is annihilated in the process of transmission.

Priest Zhi has always been worried about his inability to stop the girl in white. He didn't expect that chaos would really happen outside at night.

Priest Chi is eager to know what kind of chaos it is.

"Priest Wisdom, do you have a way to break the anti-disturbance barrier set by the strong master of the Primordial Saint Realm?"

When the jailer saw Priest Zhi, he seemed to remember that there was this number in the dungeon. He immediately looked at Priest Zhi with a flattering smile.

"Of course not!" Priest Zhi said angrily.

If he had this ability, would this dungeon still trap him?

"The subordinate has left."

The jailer changed his face immediately, the respect and flattery disappeared without a trace, and he turned and left.

This old guy doesn't know why he stopped him and wasted his expression.

(End of this chapter)

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