Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2321: Let's play it all together

Chapter 2321, let's play it all together

"What nonsense! Our Tu people are the most noble tribe among the spirit tribes, how can we let such people come to save people!"

The elder sternly reprimanded the person who made this suggestion, and then with a soothing tone.

"Don't worry, the queen must be cleaning up the mess for today's high priest's troubles in the Wind Clan, and he is treating her husband. She is too busy to care about us now."

"The queen has superb medical skills. The ministers and wives can be cured in less than three minutes. We only need to wait another three minutes."

The Tu nationality elder tried his best to overcome the anxiety and fear in his heart and put on a calm expression.

Five minutes later, the girl in white still did not come, and the pregnant women in the flower hall screamed more frequently and in pain.

"Elder, let's go to the priest, if we don't take any measures, it's really too late!"

Now, except for the great elder, all the Tu people no longer hold any hope for the girl in white.

"No... the **** queen will definitely come, the **** queen will be there soon, the **** queen promised this elder, after the accident will be the first to come to our Tu people..."

The fine beads of sweat overflowed from the forehead of the great elder, and the great elder was still pretending to be calm.

As soon as the elder's voice fell, there was a panic in the flower hall, and a panic voice came out.

"Elder, it's not good, it's not good, the ladies have a miscarriage!"

Accompanied by this voice, several Tu ethnic alchemists who were covered in blood rushed out and rolled to the feet of the great elder.

"Quick! Go and call the priest!"

The great elder's psychological defense finally collapsed, and he ignored these reprimands, and his voice trembled with what he had done before.

Someone around immediately took out the sound transmission jade talisman, and only discovered a serious fact after lighting up.

"Elder, we...we don't have the contact information of the priest."

"What! You guys don’t even have the contact information of the priest! She is the fastest among the newly promoted priests of light, and has successfully treated so many pregnant women. You don’t even have the consciousness to get her contact information. No."

The Great Elder glared at these people with an incredible expression.

"What are you doing? Why don't you contact people from other tribes and ask them!"

All the Tu people present immediately took out the sound transmission jade talisman to contact people from other tribes.

The situation is urgent and they are too lazy to argue.

At that time, it was obvious that the great elder trusted the white-clothed girl to the utmost, and they were not allowed to get Jun Mohuang's contact information since they had not yet entered the spiritual capital.

This will blame them again.

"It's too late, it's too late! Great elder, all the ladies have miscarriages!"

Another pharmacist with snow-white hair rushed out of the flower hall. His hands were full of blood, and the expression on his face was extremely sad.

"My son! My son is gone!"


With a few crisp sounds, many sound-transmitting jade charms fell from their master's hands to the ground, smashing to pieces.

The owners of these sound transmission jade talisman had red eyes and wailed in pain.

"This woman! This woman is deliberate! She knows that the Queen of God will not come, and our Tu people's heirs will not be able to keep it, but she is sitting on the sidelines and taking no measures!"

The old elder's eyes circled the two groups of anger.

"It's all this woman, so that all of our Tu people's heirs can't keep it!"

"Our Tu nationality's heirs can't keep it, and the descendants of other tribes don't want to keep it!"

"The elder orders you, immediately, immediately, with all the strength of the Tu people, to stop that woman from treating pregnant women from other tribes!"

(End of this chapter)

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