Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2320: Dirty and vicious murderer

Chapter 2320 The Dirty and Vicious Murderer

The elder of the Tu nationality sneered harshly.

"You murderer, the queen will definitely come, you are not allowed to slander the queen like this!"

"You killed the Bright Priest of Fengcheng for no reason, with dirty blood on your hands and dirty thoughts in your heart. We decided not to allow you to touch our lady with your dirty hands!"

Behind the great elder, other Tu people glared at Jun Mohuang.

They are the husbands of the pregnant women in the flower hall behind them. Now they are more angry than their wives being insulted by others.

"Well, since you insisted on waiting for her, and later found out that you couldn't wait for her, and the offspring didn't keep it, don't count on me."

Jun Mohuang was speechless. Come on, it was another Liao family.

Everyone slandered her in this way, and of course she would not go forward and trample on the Tu people.

There were still many pregnant women of the Spirit Race waiting for her treatment, and Jun Mohuang couldn't afford to waste this time.

The descendants of the Tu nationality are fate, as are the descendants of other tribes.

Jun Mohuang immediately crushed the teleported jade symbol and disappeared, heading to the next tribe.

"What can't be kept, the Queen of God has the whole spirit family in her heart, she will definitely come! The Queen of God has superb medical skills and can heal everyone without any effort!"

The great elder of the Tu nationality yelled at Jun Mohuang, showing an expression of extreme disgust at her.

After being rejected, this vicious woman was so angry that she said such vicious words.

"Come on, hurry up and catch this murderer and send it to the high priest!"

A vicious light flashed in the eyes of Elder Tu, and a vicious woman like Jun Mohuang should be chopped into pieces by the high priest.

It is a pity that the Tu people have not had time to do it, and Jun Mohuang's has already been transported to the next destination.

All the spirits of the Tu nationality were very angry, they continued to suppress their anger without compulsively, and began to wait wholeheartedly for the girl in white.

Five minutes later, the girl in white was nowhere to be seen.

Ten minutes later, the girl in white still disappeared.

In the flower hall behind them, the screams of pain of the pregnant women of the Tu nationality became more and more severe.

Time passed by, and their unwavering message to the girl in white also passed by.

All the Tu people are already anxious like ants on a hot pot, pacing back and forth, even the face of the great elder has a trace of panic.

"Elder, what's going on, why the queen has not come yet."

The husband of one of the pregnant women couldn't help but stepped forward to ask the elder.

Wouldn't it be true that the monarch priest said that the **** queen would not come?

"What are you worrying about, the Queen of God will definitely come!"

The great elder calmed his emotions and sternly reprimanded.


"It's nothing!"

The Tu nationality elder yelled again, guessing whether he saw other people still panicking, and immediately took out the sound transmission jade talisman.

"Now that the elder contacts the **** queen again, the **** queen will definitely arrive immediately."

The great elder lights up the sound transmission jade symbol and contacted the girl in white.

After a minute, the girl in white did not react at all, and a cold sweat faintly burst out of the forehead of the great elder of the Tu nationality.

Other Tu people are even more panicked.

At this moment, there was a harsh scream in the Flower Hall.

"Elder, the queen did not respond, or... let's go call the priest back."

A Turkish national heard that this was the scream made by her wife, and the psychological defense was immediately defeated.

He looked at the elder pleadingly, he could no longer care whether Jun Mohuang was a murderer or not, as long as he could rescue his wife immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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