Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2319: Perfect rescue

Chapter 2319 The perfect rescue

The girl in white has already thrown away the sound transmission jade talisman and arranged the barrier so that no one can approach.

"How to do how to do!"

Everyone is going crazy in a hurry.

They thought that after the white-clothed girl returned to Lingdu, they would be able to sit back and relax, who knew that the white-clothed girl could not be trusted at a critical moment.

Just as these tribes were at a loss and at a loss, the appearance of Jun Mohuang made them grasp the straw.

As soon as Jun Mohuang showed the tokens given by the ministers and his wife, the elders in the tribe were completely relieved.

The situation was urgent, and they could not even ask what happened to the wife who ran away from home, and immediately asked Jun Mohuang to go and treat the pregnant women of the spiritual race in the tribe.

Jun Mohuang has successfully rescued millions of pregnant women of the spirit race. It is not difficult to treat the pregnant women of the spirit race in these tribes.

The Shui Clan was the first tribe she went to treat after discussing with her husband.

"The genius doctor, the priest is really a genius doctor!"

"Priest monarch, you saved my wife's life, please accept me!"

It only took her seven minutes to rescue all the 54 pregnant women of the Shui Clan. All the Shui Clan's people were so grateful to Jun Mohuang that they almost did not kneel down for her.

The elders in the aquarium took out a lot of heaven, spirit and earth treasures from the space ring, and wanted to give it all to her.

"No, it's just a small effort. There are other tribes waiting for me."

After Jun Mohuang left these words, he immediately crushed the jade symbol and left.

She has obtained the power of the light source to heal these pregnant women of the spirit race. Now, she has obtained the power of the light source of the aquarium, and the quality is very good.

After Jun Mohuang left the Shui Clan, he continued to go to other tribes in the order discussed with his wife.

The second tribe she is going to is the Tu nationality.

Contrary to the warm welcome received by the Shui Clan, Jun Mohuang received a cold reception.

The chief elder of the Tu nationality gathered all the pregnant women of the Tu nationality into a flower hall so that the girls in white can be treated together when they arrive. of

Unlike other tribes, the relationship between the Tu people and the girls in white clothes is very good. The chief of the Tu people can directly contact the girls in white clothes with the sound transmission jade charm.

The great elders of the Tu nationality and the other spirit tribes of the tribe were waiting anxiously to wander outside the flower hall. Hearing the cry of the pregnant women, everyone was upset and anxious.

When Jun Mohuang appeared in front of the Flower Hall, they thought it was an enemy attack.

When the Tu people saw the two-petal lotus on her collar and learned the real purpose of her coming here, their attitude was very unfriendly.

"The Queen of God will rush to treat pregnant women in the tribe. We don't need you to treat them!"

The Tu nationality elder proudly looked at Jun Mohuang's eyes, and sneered from his mouth because of too many wrinkles.

"It's really bad in the world, and I don't know how the high priest and the wisdom priest are doing it, and I want to put this malicious murderer in the spiritual capital."

"She won't come. If you want to keep your children, don't stop me."

Jun Mohuang raised his eyebrows slightly, and this kind of person who couldn't see the situation could still sit on the position of the great elder.

The pregnant women of the spirit tribes of all the major tribes in the Lingdu simultaneously showed signs of miscarriage. The white-clothed girl, as the future **** queen of the heavenly spirit world, has the ability to know this at the first time.

She didn't show up, it means she won't show up after waiting.

"The Queen of God is kind-hearted and cares about the safety of the entire Spirit Race. We subordinates must be more anxious than us when something happens, so how could she watch this tragedy happen?"

(End of this chapter)

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