Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2289: Woman's counterattack

Chapter 2289 Women's Counterattack

"Huh, she was the emperor of Bafang Profound Realm at the time, and she had no cronies under her. She definitely wanted to cultivate her cronies through the belly of these spiritual girls."

"Regardless of her purpose, in short, our husband betrayed us! She has gained a lot of light source power and more support because of her actions. This woman builds her achievements on our pain! "

All these ministers and wives were filled with indignation.

Although the girl in white is the future **** queen of the heavenly spirit world and a woman appointed by Luo Chen, so what.

She couldn't rely on her identity as the future **** queen to destroy her family.

Jun Mohuang made the spirit girls of these tribes upset, and the ministers and wives were also affected a lot.

At this time they just thought about how to get rid of the bad breath in their hearts.

"Then what are we going to do? She is the future **** queen of the heavenly spirit world. We personally knelt in front of Jun Shang. Even if we are reasonable, Jun Shang will only favor her."

The ministers' wives were angry for a while, and then they realized a more serious problem.

Luo Chen's love for the white-clothed girls, their group of noble ladies who often ran into the spiritual palace could not be more clear.

Not only would Luo Chen not blame the girls in white, but on the contrary, they would blame them for not knowing what is good or bad and failing to appreciate the kindness of the girls in white.

They can't do anything with the girl in white.

"Are we going to abruptly endure this grievance, and nothing has happened."

A minister's wife has tears in her eyes and her face is sad.

The other wives also had frustrated and sad expressions.

It seems that although they are unwilling, they are already preparing for this result.

"No, how can this be, sisters, we absolutely cannot accept this result!"

At this time, one of the ministers' wives suddenly stood up and, excited, directly smashed the table in front of him.

"Sisters, although we cannot seek justice, we can decide the use of our light source power. We will not give her any light source power, even the power of a point light source."

"Also, each sister, don’t forget that she is not the only one who can save the pregnant women of the Spirit Race. Let’s take action to rescue the priests of the monarch and let the priests participate in the rescue of the pregnant women of the spiritual capital. In this way, she can share The power of the light source will be reduced by half."

"We can breathe out a little in this way."

As soon as the minister's wife had finished speaking, many ladies showed their approval.

Yes, on the face of it, they can't treat the girls in white clothes, and even return to the family to punish the spiritual girls who are pregnant with their husbands.

But they can make the white-clothed girl get half of the power of the light source through secret actions.

"This... Sister Yuan, this... isn't it good to do this."

A few ministers and wives showed an eager look, but soon this look was replaced by hesitation and fear.

After all, the white-clothed girls are the future **** queen of the heavenly spirit world, secretly engaging in such small movements, they can't get through the hurdle in their hearts.

"What's wrong with doing this, don't forget, she caused our husband to betray us!"

"Sisters, don’t forget, those spiritual girls who are pregnant with our husband’s sons are the best women in our tribe, and their talents in cultivation even surpass ours. The children they give birth will definitely be better than the children we give birth to. Strong talent.

(End of this chapter)

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