Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2288: Super **** pot

Chapter 2288 Super Big Black Pot

The wives of the ministers of Luo Chen soon discovered that their husband had betrayed themselves, and they had bred children with other women in the clan.

They had never known before and were kept in the dark.

In order for his ministers to give birth to the strongest heirs, Luo Chen chose the strongest and most talented girls among their tribes.

These ministers worried that the wife of the family would be furious, but they were reluctant to bear their children.

After these girls became pregnant, they were secretly hidden in the family, claiming to be the heirs of other men in the family, and let their wife take care of them.

These pregnant girls of the spirit race have been in peace with the minister's wife.

But today I don’t know what’s going on. These spiritual girls suddenly have a collective mood. They are especially afraid that when a miscarriage breaks out of pregnant women in Lingdu, the girls in white will not have time to treat them in the first time.

After all, there are many pregnant women in the major tribes of Lingdu, but the only person who can treat them is a girl in white. It is easy to be unable to treat them at that time.

They could have pinned their hopes on the newly promoted monarch priest.

But it happened to hear that the monarch priest actually killed the only son of the high priest, she must not survive.

These spiritual girls were flustered, and finally couldn't sit still, and took the initiative to approach the ministers' wives.

They knelt and confessed who the biological father of the child in their womb was, and begged their husbands to go to the spiritual palace to meet the white-clothed girl, so that the white-clothed girl gave priority to treating the spiritual pregnant women in their family.

The ministers’ wives have been kept in the dark, and suddenly heard the truth, they turned pale with anger, trembling all over, and almost fainted.

This kind of behavior is unacceptable among the demons who have no morals.

At least the noble males of other demons marry concubines and multiply heirs, and they must also ask for the consent of the madam.

What’s more terrible is that the spiritual races of the heavenly spirit world advocate monogamy.

They couldn't believe that their husband would betray them.

But the facts are in front of them, and they can't believe it.

The wives of these ministers themselves were pregnant, and they were suddenly stimulated, and there was a flutter in their families.

The impact of the miscarriage has not yet come, they almost gave birth first.

It was not easy for the wives of these ministers to get over. Suddenly they heard that You Lanhua had come to the Heavenly Spirit Realm, causing the spirit races to have many descendants, all of which were written by girls in white.

The same experience brought these ministers and wives together quickly to discuss what to do.

"What does this mean, it means that the betrayal of our husbands was arranged by her?"

"It must be so, there is nothing wrong. Do you still remember, sisters, when the **** queen became the queen of the Bafang Xuanjie people, at that time the king took a group of spiritual girls to the Bafang Xuanjie and passed me It’s verified that those girls are the women who are now carrying husbands and sons. I don’t know if this is the case among the tribes."

"Yes, our tribe is also like this."

This group of ministers’ wives were together and quickly sorted things out.

If it weren't for the girls in white to preach that You Lanhua was her handwriting, they would have thought it was Luo Chen's arrangement.

But now, these ministers and their wives put all the accounts on the heads of the girls in white.

"This woman, let our husband be forced to betray us, what does she mean!"

Today's update is complete...

(End of this chapter)

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