Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2290: Woman's Counterattack 2

Chapter 2290 Women's Counterattack 2

"Our respective husbands have never let us know what this means. This shows that they and the tribe value the children born by the spiritual girls. Their children will definitely replace our children and take over the entire tribe."

"Do you really want to watch other women and children take our children's place!"

"Are you really willing to let that woman come to save you when there is a miscarriage!"

Madam Yuan looked straight at everyone, two anger burning in her eyes.

Her eyes were very contagious, and the anger in the hearts of the ministers and ladies present was also burning.

"We are naturally unwilling!"

Husband’s blow to betray him is already strong enough, how could they allow this to happen again.

Spirit people have always been pure-hearted and have little desires, which does not mean that they don't care about their own power.

The ministers and husbands of all the people present have a very high status in the tribe, either the chief of the tribe or the high-ranking figure in the tribe.

They couldn't bear to be taken away from their children's place.

The anger swept away the fear in the hearts of these ministers and wives.

When they think of signs of miscarriage at that time, they still ask the girls in white for help, and everyone feels sick.

"Sister Yuan, what are we going to do then."

Now, they all agree with Mrs. Yuan's approach, and their eyes are full of eager excitement.

Mrs. Yuan said: "It's very simple. Now let's go to Fengcheng, find the priest, take her to the spiritual capital, declare to the outside that we are unwell, and specify that the priest should take care of her."

"What if the great priest and the wisdom priest come to ask for someone, even if we have the heart to protect the priest, we cannot resist the high priest and the wisdom priest."

A lady expressed concern that the plan would not succeed.

"Sisters, don't worry. I have already arranged this. The procedure has been sent to the sound transmission jade charms of the sisters. All the sisters only need to follow."

"As for the security issues at that time, you don't have to worry. Everyone goes to the Wind Clan, and I will let my nephew take the elites from the Wind Clan to protect us."

Mrs. Yuan took out the sound transmission jade talisman, the corners of her lips twitched lightly, her black eyes were full of confidence.

The ministers and wives present immediately took out the sound transmission jade talisman and lit them with spiritual energy.

After seeing the content sent by Mrs. Yuan, all the ministers and wives lit their eyes at the same time.

"Sister Yuan, you are amazing!"

"Sister Yuan, we will all listen to you this time!"

The faces of these ladies were restored.

Mrs. Yuan is the first-in-law of the Feng clan, and even the former head of the Feng clan, who has the right to give orders to the entire Feng clan.

The Wind Clan was left out of the cold by Luo Chen this time. In the previous few months, he fought against the Demon Clan army, and the current orc army Luo Chen did not use Feng Yehan nor any Wind Clan elite.

The elites of other tribes lost more than half, and Luo Chen took almost all of them away from the battle with the orcs this time. Only the elite of the Wind Clan remained intact.

Now the fighting power of all the tribes in Lingdu is not as good as the wind tribe, and there is no need to worry about their safety.

This will not only make the girls in white clothes lose half of the power of the light source, they can also take the opportunity to make a fuss and vent their anger.

Everyone had a bottom in their hearts, and they all said goodbye to Mrs. Yuan and went back to the tribe to engage in trouble.

After a while, all the tribes in Lingdu jumped up and down, and their dogs were restless.

(End of this chapter)

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