Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2287: Bigger surprise

Chapter 2287 A bigger surprise

Strictly speaking, the orcs belong to the same family as the dragons.

Orcs have this kind of talent, as do Dragons.

It's just that the dragons of the Heavenly Dragon Realm are too lazy to change the medicine of the Heavenly Dragon Realm.

There are so many kinds of medicinal materials in the Tianlong world that there is no need to change it.

Because of this, the world has gradually forgotten that dragons also have this ability.

The dragon clan has this ability, and the dragon king naturally has it.

Even though the current Dragon Emperor does not have dragon blood, she holds a dragon blood scepter.

The effect of the dragon blood scepter was seen by the spiritual nobles who followed the white-clothed girl at the time in the Bafang Profound Realm.

The dragon blood scepter can temporarily make the power of the Yuanhuang realm powerhouse soar to the Yuansheng realm, making them believe that the dragon blood scepter will improve the effect of the orchid, which is simply easy.

But the bigger surprise is not this.

"Brother Ling Tian, ​​what do you mean, that woman really lurked in the Heavenly Spirit Realm, and really used the Dragon Blood Scepter to tamper with the effectiveness of You Lanhua?"

A series of extremely complicated emotions flashed through the eyes of the girl in white.

There is excitement, joy, and anger.

That woman was so bold and dared to run to the heavenly spirit world, she must take this opportunity to catch her in the palm of her hand.

"Not bad."

Di Lingtian's eyes showed a touch of approval, as if he was praising her for her intelligence.

"This woman! Brother Ling Tian, ​​you will help me catch her, won't you?"

The girl in white clenched her fists angrily, and then looked at Di Lingtian with expectant eyes.

Asking Di Lingtian to come forward to catch Jun Mohuang personally, the blow to Jun Mohuang was much greater than her own hands.

"Naturally. The deity has arranged everything, Huang'er, don't worry."

Di Lingtian looked at her, his voice was low and soft, and his eyes were full of love.

"Big Brother Ling Tian, ​​you are so kind."

The heart of the girl in white soon began to float.

She already wanted to look eagerly, Jun Mohuang was caught by Di Lingtian, and she found her expression after being delivered to her by Di Lingtian himself.

It will be wonderful.

The white-clothed girl was in a better mood than ever. With Di Lingtian's personal assurance, she didn't even bother to arrange for someone to catch Jun Mohuang.

Immediately summon all the people who can be mobilized, and let them go out for a walk as Di Lingtian just proposed.

On the roof of the palace where the white-clothed girl lived, the corners of Di Lingtian's lips made a sneer.

This woman was too embarrassed to pretend to be like him, it was ridiculous.

Di Lingtian stretched out his hand and took out a jade pendant from the skirt of his clothes, whimpering slowly.

I don't know what happened to Huang'er.

Unfortunately, he could not contact Jun Mohuang, nor could he take the initiative to open the Sound Transmission Yufu to contact her.

Di Lingtian hadn't obtained the phantom spirit orb for long enough, and any fluctuation in the aura of external force would cause the illusion to be shattered.

No, he must increase his efforts to completely control the Eidolon Orb.

There is not much time left for him.


Not only are there girls in white clothes who are in a good mood, but the spiritual tribe in Lingdu first learned that You Lanhua originally came from a girl in white clothes.

More and more respect for the girl in white.

He also contributed a lot of high-quality light sources to the girl in white.

At the same time, they were extremely indignant at Jun Mohuang's actions, and they scolded Jun Mohuang for being vicious, and they all clamored to arrest Jun Mohuang and smash his body.

In addition to these emotions, these spirit races are also very happy.

They are happy that they have a goddess like a girl in white clothes, and think that having a girl in white clothes is their blessing for eight lifetimes.

But soon, the nobles of the spirit race in the spiritual capital were not happy.

(End of this chapter)

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