Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2286: Di Lingtian's good way

Chapter 2286 Di Lingtian's good way

The girl in white was observing Di Lingtian secretly, and sure enough, seeing her like this, Di Lingtian looked at her more intensely.

Obviously, Di Lingtian was already amazed by her.

The white-clothed girl was proud in her heart, her face was pretending to show her deep concern.

"Brother Ling Tian, ​​the quality of the light source power of the spirit races in the capital is too high, and the light source power they dedicated to me in the future will be displayed in this tangible way. Will the power of these light sources let Brother Ling Tian Uncomfortable."

"After all, Brother Ling Tian is a demon. Although he has washed away his devilish energy, Huang Er is worried that it will still affect Brother Ling Tian."

The girl in white made a hypocritical appearance, quite concerned about Emperor Lingtian.

"Huang'er, you are too underestimating the deity. The dark wounds in the deity have been repaired. The power of this light source has no effect on the deity."

"Brother Ling Tian, ​​you are amazing!"

The white-clothed girl looked at him and let out a low exclamation. Her current reaction did not contain any pretense.

She really didn't know that Di Lingtian's dark wound had been repaired.

Yes, if Di Lingtian's hidden wounds were not fully recovered, he would not be able to wash her away from her devilish energy.

Then, the girl in white began to feel angry again.

Luo Chen must have known about this a long time ago, but he deliberately didn't tell her.

What was the reason for this, she could guess with her toes.

It must be Luo Chen who was afraid that after she knew about this, she felt that Di Lingtian was better than him, and was afraid that she would choose Di Lingtian.

Luo Chen really, he is not as good as Di Lingtian, and he is still hiding it, so she won't let her know the truth!

"This deity is indeed better than Luo Chen."

The corners of Di Lingtian's lips twitched lightly, full of self-confidence watching the world.

The white-clothed girl lowered her eyes slightly, concealing her extremely agreeable look.

Did not make any excuses for Luo Chen.

"Huang'er, do you want to get more light source power, and the quality of light source power is better."

Di Lingtian looked at the white-clothed girl, his eyes as deep and focused as ever.

"miss you."

The girl in white nodded hurriedly.

It's the Crystal of Origin, of course she wants it, and she wants it all in her dreams.

"Big Brother Ling Tian, ​​do you have any good ideas."

The white-clothed girl looked at Di Lingtian expectantly.

During the month that the two were getting along, Di Lingtian had made some suggestions for her, every time it had miraculous results.

The girl in white found that she could not do without him more and more.

"It's very simple, Huang'er, as long as you spread the news now and let the spirit race conceive on a large scale, it's because you got the excellent orchid from the orc race, and you worked hard to improve it to make it completely suitable for the heavenly spirit world. The spirit race has no side effects on the spirit race."

"The reason for the large-scale side effects this time is entirely because the Dragon Emperor of the Heavenly Spirit Realm used the Dragon Blood Scepter to secretly tamper with the effectiveness of the Excellent Orchid, resulting in large-scale miscarriage accidents in the entire Heavenly Spirit Realm."

After hearing Di Lingtian's words, the white-clothed girl gradually brightened her eyes.

Youlanhua is a fairy plant unique to the orcs in the Xuandu Realm.

The production of medicinal materials in the Xuandu Realm is scarce and there are not many varieties.

The orcs have evolved a kind of racial talent-they can change the medicinal effects of the medicinal materials produced in the mysterious capital world.

In this way, it is possible to make better use of medicinal materials with less output and fewer races to refine a variety of medicines.

When refining the pill, it is okay to find a single medicinal material. Just bring a medicinal material and change it to the missing medicinal material.

The higher the bloodline level of the orcs, the stronger this ability.

(End of this chapter)

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