Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2285: Control mood

Chapter 2285 Controlling the Mood

The old turtle patted his chest with confidence.

"Well, it shouldn't be too late, let's act immediately."

Jun Mohuang was speechless, and handed the picture album in his hand to the old turtle.

Consecrate, don't say so exaggerated, OK?

Isn't it that the tortoise shell has a peculiar resonance to the spirit life after being nourished by these three kinds of energy?

Laogui quickly opened the picture album, remembering the appearance of every spiritual girl above and the tribe they belonged to.

Lord Yinyue came over: "Oh, old turtle, you spring, heart, rippling, do you want the master to find you a wife?"

"Dead loach, shut up, Lao Tzu is completing the important task ordered by the master. If you interrupt again, Lao Tzu tells your sister about your true identity."

The old turtle glared at Lord Yinyue.

Lord Yinyue heard this threat, he immediately persuaded him and shut up obediently.

Old tortoise took the picture album more seriously than ever.

As he opened it, remembering that the free hand was constantly tapping on the tortoise shell.

A quarter of an hour later, the old turtle remembered all the women's appearance in the picture album.

"Master, let's start."

The old turtle looked at Jun Mohuang, with a serious expression eager to try.

Laogui was full of expectations for what was about to begin.


A large amount of spiritual energy gathered in Jun Mohuang's eyes, in the air, dense and regular lines entangled with each other, and finally stretched out into the distance.

She needs to find several lines of rules that connect Lingdu, the old tortoise shells, and the tribes of the spiritual girls at the same time.

After a few minutes, Jun Mohuang finally found the lines that met the requirements one by one.

While she was looking for the rules, the old tortoise stretched out his hand and tapped the tortoise shell in a specific way.

The yellow-brown tortoise shell gradually became lighter, and light spots appeared on the tortoise shell.

These light spots are densely packed, as many as stars.

As Jun Mohuang continued to find the line of rules, the light spots on the tortoise shell gradually decreased.

It has been reduced to as many as the number of spiritual girls in the picture album.

Jun Mohuang and Laogui stopped at the same time.

"Wow, it worked!"

The old turtle looked at his tortoise shell. He and Jun Mohuang teamed up to successfully lock all the girls of the Spirit Race.

Jun Mohuang stretched out his hand and lightly tapped on the tortoise shell.

Through the tortoise shell and the line of rules, she can easily manipulate and affect the mood of these spiritual girls.

Now, it's time to get started.

Jun Mohuang stretched out his hand and knocked the tortoise shell hard, the light spot on it suddenly shook, as if he was frightened, and he kept walking around the tortoise shell.



The girl in white returned to Lingdu, making all the people in Lingdu happy.

At this special moment, Luo Chen led the Heavenly Spirit Realm army outside to fight the Orcs, not in Lingdu.

Without Luo Chen, these spirit races seemed to have lost their backbone.

The white-clothed girl returned just right, which just soothed the hearts of every spirit race in the city.

The white-clothed girls have not yet treated the spiritual pregnant women in the spiritual capital, so they continue to dedicate the power of light to the white-clothed girls.

Di Lingtian is by her side, and the girl in white thinks that the opportunity is rare. She must seize every second of her time to show herself.

The white-clothed girl adjusted the way of receiving the power of the light source, so that the power of the light source contributed by these spirit races flew into her own sea of ​​anger in a form visible to the human eye.

The power of the light source keeps flying towards her.

The girl in white is always wrapped in the power of the light source.

She is dressed in white and has a delicate and beautiful appearance. The power of the light source of the stars makes her beautiful.

(End of this chapter)

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