Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2284: This is consecrated

Chapter 2284 This is consecrated

Feng Yunqi looked at Jun Mohuang expectantly.

When he came to the Heavenly Spirit World this time, he also traveled many cities, and it was obvious that there were few cities that satisfied Feng Yunqi.

Feng Yunqi couldn't wait to see what the capital of the Heavenly Spirit World Spirit Race looked like.

He wished that Jun Mohuang immediately set off and took them to Lingdu.

However, the facts made Feng Yunqi very disappointed.

"What's the hurry, over there they said that I will be there in three days, and it will not be too late for the third day."

Jun Mohuang did not intend to go so soon.

"Why, boss, let's go quickly,"

Feng Yunqi couldn't wait to grab Jun Mohuang's sleeve and beg her.

But when he thought of the jealous Demon Emperor Ling Tian, ​​his reason stopped this action in time.

"I have to prepare something."

Jun Mohuang smiled mysteriously.

Feng Yunqi's curiosity was greatly aroused.

No matter how Feng Yunqi asked Jun Mohuang to reveal something this time, she just smiled and said nothing.

Finally, Shi Feng and Wu Qianyong finally couldn't stand Feng Yunqi's noise, so Wu Qianyong pulled him down.

Before leaving, Wu Qianyong looked at Jun Mohuang with a worried expression.

Di Lingtian and the girl in white are together, they are in Lingdu.

Jun Mohuang is also about to go to Lingdu, Wu Qianyong is very worried that she will not be able to bear such a blow by then.

Jun Mohuang gave him a soothing look.

Shi Feng waited until Wu Qianyong and Feng Yunqi had left, and took out a picture album from the space ring.

"Boss, all the portraits of those spiritual girls are here."

"Well, good job, Shi Feng."

Jun Mohuang took the picture album and opened it.

The picture album is full of portraits of spiritual girls.

"This was because I was boring at the time. I thought it might be useful to draw the faces of these women. This time it's purely crooked."

Shi Feng scratched his head, a little embarrassed.

The origin of this picture album can be traced back to when he and Mo Yaxi found an anomaly in the valley near the Baili family's family.

After that, Shifeng really understood what was going on in that valley.

At that time, he risked being discovered by the Spirit Race and Luo Chen, and ran to the valleys where there were excellent orchids, remembered all the appearances of the Spirit Race girls there, and then painted them into a book.

And it is clear which tribe they belong to.

"Don't belittle yourself. This proves that your judgment of information is quite accurate."

Jun Mohuang's eyes showed strong approval.

As expected, Shi Feng was a natural spy, and he even painted all the portraits of the spiritual girls at that time.

This greatly saved her a lot of effort.

"Thank you, boss, I will go down first."

Shi Feng's eyes flashed with brilliance, and a blush appeared on his face.

He was even more embarrassed, but his heart was excited by Jun Mohuang's praise.

After waiting for the wind to go away, Jun Mohuang immediately returned to the Phoenix Space and found the old turtle.

"Old turtle, how are you preparing."

The old tortoise was squatting in a corner to play with his tortoiseshell.

He has now got rid of the image of the old man before and has become a young man in his twenties.

Who is more handsome than Tiantian and Lord Yinyue.

Perhaps it was because of his own temperament, or perhaps Jun Mohuang was used to being old and old.

In short, when she saw the young and old tortoise, she always felt that he was still an old man.

"Ah, beautiful master, don't worry, old tortoise my tortoise shell has been enlightened by the **** spring water, the master's colorful halo and the power of the light source this time, there is no problem at all.

(End of this chapter)

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