Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2272: Special forgiveness

Chapter 2272 Special Forgiveness Methods

If you want to not be abandoned, you must become useful.

That night, after Xiaojun Mohuang took advantage of Di Lingtian's return, he quietly hid the blood suit he had replaced.

She planned to start by washing the clothes for Di Lingtian first to prove that she was not useless.

There are more reasons to stay by Di Lingtian's side.

The next day, after Di Lingtian went out, she took the black blood suit and ran off the river to wash.

As a result, Jun Mohuang only put the clothes through the water, put them on a smooth stone board and rubbed them twice, directly rubbing the hem of the clothes.

Jun Mohuang raised the tattered hem and opened her mouth in surprise. Obviously, she herself did not expect this situation in the dream.

She picked up the rotten clothes and turned around one step at a time, and returned to the cabin very nervously.

When it's over, Di Lingtian will definitely drive her away.

On the way, Jun Mohuang wanted to dig a hole in his clothes several times to conceal his crime.

But when he thought of Di Lingtian's surprisingly good memory, he would definitely find that one piece of clothing was missing.

If he finds out, she will definitely be driven out.

She might as well admit her mistakes herself, there might be a chance.

Holding this small hope, Jun Mohuang put his clothes on the branch of a spiritual fruit tree in the courtyard to dry.

She also transplanted several spirit fruit trees in the yard. These trees were crooked and dying, showing that her transplantation was not successful at all.

Jun Mohuang hugged his knees and sat in front of the cabin, waiting tremblingly for Di Lingtian to return.

Finally, after dark, Di Lingtian returned to the courtyard all in blood.

"What are you doing sitting here."

When Di Lingtian saw Jun Mohuang sitting on the threshold, his tone was extremely cold and dissatisfied.


Jun Mohuang was thinking about how to obtain Di Lingtian's forgiveness, and wanted to be absorbed.

Only when he walked around and made a sound did he find out.

She noticed the dissatisfaction in his tone and immediately jumped up.

Jun Mohuang glanced at the robe on the branch that was rotten by her.

After nightfall, the night pearl embedded in the wall emits a soft luster, illuminating the entire courtyard.

The robe hung on the tree branch, particularly conspicuous.

Di Lingtian had followed her gaze and looked over.

When he saw the current state of the black robe, his pupils shrank slightly, revealing an unbelievable look.

"Yes... I'm sorry, I washed the clothes badly. I really didn't mean it. I just want to help do something to make myself useful so that I won't be driven away..."

It was the first time that Jun Mohuang saw this look on his face. He shrank his neck and prayed in a pitiful tone not to be angry.

Di Lingtian didn't answer, his **** eyes were staring at her for an instant.

Di Lingtian's eyes were very penetrating, like a sharp dagger, inserted directly into Jun Mohuang's heart, analyzing the secrets in her heart layer by layer, as if to see through.

Jun Mohuang was staring at his heart with his scrutinizing eyes.

Why did he look at her like this? When it's over, he must be angry, and he wants to drive her away.

She wants to be homeless again.

She didn't want to return to the spiritual palace to live the same life as before.

Jun Mohuang gritted his teeth and his heart shook.

She met Di Lingtian's gaze, stood on tiptoes, put her lips on Di Lingtian's face, and wanted to kiss him quickly.

She didn't stand firmly under tension, her feet smashed, and when she was about to touch the target, her body height dropped a few centimeters.

(End of this chapter)

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