Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2271: Love token 2

Chapter 2271 Love token 2

The man in white puts the beads in his hands on the white spar eggs, and the spar eggs and beads are automatically bonded together.

The spar egg made of white spar immediately became colorful.

Thanks to Di Lingtian's acquisition of the body of a demigod, he can once again wake up in this world and gradually condense into shape.

This time, he wanted to take everything from Emperor Lingtian.

And all this starts with Jun Mohuang.

The corners of the white-clothed man's lips evoked a smile that was bound to win, turned into a white light ball, and entered the spar egg.

He still does not have the ability to contend with Di Lingtian head-on, so he must hurry up to recover.


After the white-clothed man left, Di Lingtian's expression did not relax, but became more solemn.

After a few seconds, the woman with red eyes contacted him on the initiative.

"Well, did he say he wants to see me."

In her tone, there was obviously aversion to the man in white, but there was a hint of expectation.

It can be seen that she is very conflicted.

Di Lingtian did not inform the details of the meeting between the two, but said: "He called you a vicious woman."

On the other end, the woman with red eyes was silent immediately.

Actively cut off the contact with Di Lingtian.

Inside the cabin, Jun Mohuang had no idea what was happening.

All she knew was that she slept well. Di Lingtian suddenly woke her up, smashed her colorful halo, condensed into a longan-sized colorful bead, solemnly put it in the skirt of her clothes.

Before Jun Mohuang got up to check how much his colorful halo was left, the part that was condensed into beads by Emperor Lingtian immediately recovered.

"Ling Tian, ​​what are you doing?"

Jun Mohuang looked at Di Lingtian with sleepy eyes and puzzled.

"Huang'er, remember, this is a token of love from you."

Di Lingtian stretched out his hand and stroked her small face, his eyes were fierce, and his speech was extremely soft.

"Obviously you want to go."

Jun Mohuang looked tired, and he couldn't even ask why he used his spiritual power to be the so-called token of love.

"Ling Tian, ​​I haven't closed my eyes for a month. I'm very tired. Don't wake me up unless the sky falls."

She pulled the quilt again, turned over and continued to sleep.

"it is good."

Di Lingtian's eyes were full of distress, and when he lifted the quilt and hugged her from behind, Jun Mohuang was already asleep again.

This time, Di Lingtian was upset, and finally did not wake her up.

Jun Mohuang had two dreams.

In her dream, she didn't know why she was only eight or nine years old, and Di Lingtian was only seventeen or eighteen, in her teenage years.

His whole person is different from now.

Not only the difference in age, but also the overall temperament.

When facing Jun Mohuang, he also looked extremely cold, his **** eyes were indifferent, without a trace of emotion.

All the pampering, tender and fierce emotions she was familiar with were missing.

Di Lingtian's whole person is like a sword about to be unsheathed, and will wipe out all lives at any time.

The two lived in these two cabins together.

Di Lingtian leaves early and returns late every day.

In the morning, he went out neatly in his robe; when he returned at night, his robe was covered with blood.

All the humanoid creatures and monsters near the cabin are very afraid of Emperor Lingtian.

As long as he senses his breath, and does not wait for others to appear, he will stray far away.

Perhaps it was because she was very familiar with Di Lingtian in the real world, so in this dream, she was not afraid of Di Lingtian at all.

What worries her is another thing.

The two cabins belonged to Emperor Lingtian, and Jun Mohuang was temporarily staying here. She was very afraid that Emperor Lingtian would drive her out.

(End of this chapter)

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