Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2273: It turns out that Di Lingtian is not so poor

Chapter 2273 turns out that Emperor Lingtian is not so poor

Jun Mohuang deviated from the target and directly kissed Di Lingtian's thin lips.

"what are you doing!"

Di Lingtian's body was as rigid as a statue, his handsome face was reddish, and his blood was dull.

Jun Mohuang understood from his eyes, he was quite shocked by the incident and very angry.

"I... I'm begging you to forgive me, please don't be angry and drive me away."

Jun Mohuang didn't expect such a change.

She had no idea that at this critical juncture, she would actually deviate from the goal.

The effect on the face and lips should be the same.

No, seeing Di Lingtian so angry, the effect is definitely different.

"Who taught you this method of forgiveness."

Di Lingtian sneered suddenly, obviously not believing Jun Mohuang's words.

"That... was taught by Luo Chen."

Jun Mohuang recalled the scenes he had seen while living in the spiritual palace.

Luo Chen is very fond of the white-clothed girl, although the white-clothed girl is only about the same size as her.

He has begun to let the girl in white kiss his face from time to time and tell her that doing so will make him happy.

Every time the girl in white kisses Luo Chen, Luo Chen is really happy.

All kinds of beautifully crafted jewelry and gorgeous embroidered skirts of the girl in white are all obtained in this way.

Jun Mohuang thought with her limited experience that Luo Chen would be very happy, and that Emperor Lingtian would definitely be too.

When he was happy, he would no longer care about her fault in washing bad clothes, and would not drive her away.

But now it seems that it is not like this.

"He asked you to kiss him like this?"

When Di Lingtian heard her words, two groups of anger burned in his blood eyes, making him even more angry.

"No, it's not, it's another girl about my size, she is very much loved by Luo Chen."

Jun Mohuang immediately waved her hand in defense, she didn't like Luo Chen very much.

She suffered a lot in the spiritual palace, and now she finally left the spiritual palace, she instinctively no longer wanted to have anything to do with Luo Chen.

"It's dark, don't hurry in."

Di Lingtian glanced at Jun Mohuang again and confirmed that she was not lying.

His tone couldn't help but soften a bit, which he didn't even notice.

Jun Mohuang glanced at the black robe hung on the branch. "Really...really, great...what about the clothes."

She was always worried that Di Lingtian would drive her out. Hearing him let her in, all the tension in her heart was suddenly overwhelmed by ecstasy, and she didn't notice it.

He said this, doesn't it mean that he will not pursue this matter.

No, maybe he saw her poor and dangerous outside, so he allowed her to stay one more night and kick her out the next morning.

After all, Di Lingtian lives in barren mountains and ridges. There are no shops here, and it is very difficult to get a new dress.

Every piece of clothing is hard-won.

Jun Mohuang couldn't help thinking of Emperor Lingtian very poorly.

"Since you are so interested in the deity's clothes, from now on, you will be responsible for taking care of the deity's clothes."

Di Lingtian threw a space ring to her.

Jun Mohuang hurriedly took it.

She did not expect that this space ring was opened, and dozens of silk black robes flying out of it suddenly drowned her whole person.

Jun Mohuang stood there blankly, and did not reach out to touch her clothes.

I don't know if he was surprised that Di Lingtian was not so poor, or he was happy that she could finally stay.

When Di Lingtian saw her like this, the corners of his lips curled up with a faint smile, walked past her and walked into the house.

Today's update is complete...

I gave myself a small vacation today, write less, and make up tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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