Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2243: Catch up and investigate

Chapter 2243 is caught and thoroughly investigated

Not to mention that the two priests of light on the high priest’s side, except for the high priest’s biological sons, were ice stalks.

Jun Mohuang, the biological son of the high priest, naturally didn't dare to move, but her Binghan was different.

With the speed of Jun Mohuang's rise, it will sooner or later threaten her status.

Binghan struggled for her life and worked hard for hundreds of years before she sat on the position of the second-level priest of light. She would never allow Jun Mohuang to **** her second-level priest.

Even if she didn't have this idea, it wouldn't work. Keeping this woman would be a serious threat.

She is still so good, and her hidden appearance has attracted so much praise.

She Binghan absolutely does not allow the existence of such a woman.

She must kill Jun Mohuang forever.

However, Binghan did not have the authority to kill the fourth-level priest of light at will. Before doing it, she had to detect the attitude of the high priest.

"The priest still has important things to do, and I will answer you later."

Before the group of priests came to the door, Binghan moved to kill Jun Mohuang.

This will be provoked by these people, and Binghan will be even more unable to sit still.

She hung up the sound transmission jade in a hurry, turned into a ball of white light, and used the teleportation array to find the high priest in Lingdu.

"What's the matter, this woman doesn't react at all."

Now, it was the turn of these priests of light to be confused.

According to Binghan's character, shouldn't she immediately become yin and yang weird, very upset?

"Don't worry, this woman will definitely deal with the surnamed Jun. We just wait for the good news."

One of the priests of light smiled faintly, confidently.


The second-level city where Bing Han is located is only one teleportation array away from the spirit.

She found the high priest as quickly as possible and told Jun Mohuang's deeds.

"The high priest, with such a rapid promotion speed, she still has a quick way to heal the pregnant woman of the spirit race. I am afraid that this woman has a problem with her path. The subordinates suggest that the high priest should catch her for a thorough investigation, and shatter her consciousness, forcefully Read her memory to see what conspiracy she has."

Binghan added oil and vinegar, and described Jun Mohuang as an unidentified person who wanted to do something against the heavenly spirit world and the entire spirit family.

In fact, everything she said was correct.

Binghan was able to say these, not because she was extremely clever, she really inferred these from clues, it was pure jealousy.

"Binghan, you are too sensitive, but this priest thinks that this new priest is very good."

The high priest gave Binghan a faint glance.

Binghan said why these are, the high priest knew well.

The person Binghan said in his mouth was just an ordinary spirit race, what conspiracy and trickery could he use against the heavenly spirit world.

The wish of ordinary spirit races is nothing more than trying to climb up.

Every time Jun Mohuang became the priest of light in the new city, the high priest could sense her identity as an ordinary spirit race, and this woman would never have any problems.

"Binghan, you remember, this priest only likes to kill decisive and cruel people."

The high priest looked at Binghan and said something meaningful.

"Go down."

"Yes, high priest."

Binghan's face was pale, he lowered his head to cover up, looked respectful, and slowly stepped back.

The corners of the high priest's old lips twitched slightly, and soon he would have a suitable daughter-in-law candidate.

Humph, he used to uphold the Mo family and let the Mo family's eldest lady and Moxie's sister Mo Luo marry him.

Mo Shao didn't know what was good or bad, but he refused.

(End of this chapter)

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