Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2242: The first beauty in the priesthood of light

Chapter 2242 The first beauty in the world of priests of light

Jun Mohuang being a second-level priest is not the most terrifying.

In front of her temple of light, the people of the spirit race were in an endless stream, and even many people came here deliberately from the nearby cities under their jurisdiction.

These people trust and admire her so much, and even the proportion of the spiritual people in nearby cities who have dedicated their light source power to her has reached 90%.

She now has the ability to completely replace them at any time and take away their position as priests of light. Sooner or later, she will take away their positions as priest of light.

The priests of light in the nearby city were very nervous, but they did not dare to directly use tough methods.

All the priests of light who had come to use hard-line methods were cleaned up by her. There was no one left. They lost their position as priests of light and lost their lives. They would not do such a foolish thing.

"We will contact Master Binghan immediately. Master Binghan is a second-level priest of light. She won't watch this woman just rise and take her place."

These priests of light thought about it and thought of a bad idea.

They were certain that Binghan would definitely take action to suppress Jun Mohuang. In addition to this, there was another very important reason.

Binghan looked pure-hearted on the surface, and he looked like a fairy who didn't eat the fireworks.

In fact, she is arrogant and self-proclaimed as the number one beauty in the world of priests of light.

Except for the girl in white, no woman is more beautiful than her.

As long as they were in front of Binghan, praising Jun Mohuang's excellence and her beauty hidden under the white veil, Binghan would definitely take care of her.

These priests agreed on a good idea, immediately found a remote place, took out the sound transmission jade talisman to contact Binghan.

Binghan was extremely arrogant, seeing that these priests were looking for her, he didn't even bother.

This group of priests kept in touch with each other for a long time before the Bing Han finally took care of them.

"My colleagues, what can I do with Binghan."

On the side of Sound Transmission Yufu, there was a haughty tone in a cold tone.

This woman, after paying attention to them after so long, these priests are very upset.

But when they thought they wanted her, they all swallowed it.

"Master Binghan, I don't know if your lord knows that a female priest of light surnamed Jun has emerged in our area recently."

"I know, what's wrong."

Binghan's tone was cold, and he couldn't hear the joy or anger.

How could she have never heard of such a big thing.

Jun Mohuang quickly became a fourth-level priest of light, and had harvested so many cities, it would be difficult for her to know her.

"Master Binghan, this woman has now received the support of many spiritual people, and now many spiritual people are praising her as the first priestess of the priests of light. She also said that her beauty hidden under the veil must be better than that of ice Master Han, you still have to be beautiful, saying that sooner or later she will replace Master Binghan as a second-level priest..."

According to the original plan, these bright priests praised Jun Mohuang.

On the side of the sound transmission jade talisman, Binghan's expressionless face became increasingly ugly.

How could she not hear that these people were deliberately irritating her.

However, what they said was not exaggerated.

Before these people contacted her, Binghan already felt a serious threat after Jun Mohuang was born.

There are four second-level cities in the heavenly spirit world, and there are only four corresponding second-level priests of light.

The high priest and the wisdom priest each divide equally into four second-level cities, and there are two second-level priests of light in their respective camps.

(End of this chapter)

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