Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2244: Excuses are so ordinary

Chapter 2244 is really ordinary

Dare to refuse the high priest, the high priest soon let the Mo tribe be punished.

The myth of the bright priest with the highest talent in the heavenly spirit world, Muro created in the heavenly spirit world, will soon be broken.

He will have a better choice than Murrow.

Binghan left Lingdu and returned to the Temple of Light where he was.

The high priest's attitude towards Jun Mohuang made his heart uneasy.

Decisively killing and cruel, the high priest is clearly Jun Mohuang.

In other words, the high priest admired her very much.

She must not move anyone whom the high priest liked, otherwise she would ask for trouble.

But to watch Jun Mohuang take her place, Binghan absolutely couldn't do it.

Binghan frowned, like an ant on a hot pan, spinning around in his own temple of light.

Suddenly, Binghan's brain flashed, and his brows stretched out.

She is really stupid.

The high priest said that he likes, killing decisively, cruel people, not only talking about Jun Mohuang, but also giving her a reminder.

As long as she is more decisive and harsher than Jun Mohuang.

Binghan couldn't help but applaud his cleverness.

She immediately took out the sound transmission jade talisman and contacted the group of priests of light.

"It just so happens that the miscarriage situation of the pregnant women of the spirit race is getting worse and worse, and the scope is getting wider and wider. This priest is about to feast all the priests of the light above the fifth level to discuss the countermeasures so as to better serve God Collect the power of the light source."

"You remember to tell the priest, the time is tomorrow afternoon, before the sun sets, Jincheng, in the priest's temple of light."

Binghan finished speaking, and immediately cut off the sound transmission jade talisman without waiting for the priests to reply.

She knew that these priests would definitely bring her letter to Jun Mohuang.

On the opposite side, the priests were overjoyed.

Binghan finally wants to deal with this woman surnamed Jun.

After tomorrow night, when Jun Mohuang dies, they can finally be completely relieved, and they don't have to worry about it every day.

Jun Mohuang soon learned the news of Binghan's banquet.

"Have a banquet? This excuse is really ordinary."

If you want to kill her, you just said clearly, just kill her directly, but also under the banner of this kind of magnificence.

"Uncle, Binghan's combat power."

The combat power of the priest of light consists of his own strength and the power of the light source in the sea of ​​energy.

The higher the level and the older the senior priests of light, the more the power of the light source will increase their combat effectiveness, and the less likely they will be deprived.

According to Jun Mohuang's understanding, Binghan's qualifications are very old.

It is not difficult to defeat her, but to deprive her of the power of the light source, I am afraid it will take a little effort.

"My dear niece, don't worry about this, just go."

Mo Shao knew what she was worried about.

Binghan's qualifications are very old, but Jun Mohuang's talent is even stronger.

Obviously, she still doesn't know what kind of energy she has in her body, nor her true identity.

"it is good."

Jun Mohuang nodded.

Since Mo Shao said it was okay, it must be okay.


Nine Nether World.

Thinking about the special space under the cliff, it is as quiet as before.

The woman with red eyes lay on the glass railing, grabbed a peony the size of a bowl, and was tearing its petals boredly.

Hey, the stinky boy retreats in the bamboo building to wash away the devilish energy, and Mo Phoenix doesn't know where he hid it.

so boring.

The red-eyed woman looked sad, thinking about the freedom of the outside world.

The bamboo building closest to her was shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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