Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2221: The size of Jun Mohuang

Chapter 2221, the size of Jun Mohuang

Regarding their proposal, Jun Mohuang refused at first.

She is not dead yet, but she doesn't want to be carved into a stone statue to be admired that day.

In spite of this, you can indeed get a lot of light source power.

But City Lord Ke and the others were too enthusiastic, and Jun Mohuang's refusal was completely invalid.

"Master Jun never cared about these false names. The three of us knew that you would refuse. So you have prepared your jade carvings in advance. Master Jun can rest assured that this time we have adopted the best white jade, carved by the best craftsmen. Lifelike, just like you, Master Jun."

"We decided to enshrine the jade tree of Master Jun in the center of the city, in front of the Temple of Light."

"Now everyone has sent the jade sculptures to the Guangming Temple to be erected, and we are waiting for Master Jun to personally present to unveil the opening ceremony. Please Master Jun not to refuse. Now all the people in the city are looking forward to Master Jun's appearance."

City Lord Ke and others were very clever, expecting that Jun Mohuang would not agree, so they cut first and then played.

Jun Mohuang "..."

These spirit races have done this, what can she say.

She really underestimated the enthusiasm of the spirit race for children.

Jun Mohuang had to bite the bullet and head forward.

Compared with her look when she was driven off the shelves by ducks, Feng Yunqi, the Dragon Clan and others were very happy.

Yes, yes, this group of Spirit Race people are so good, they can even come up with the method of enshrining statues.

They became ordinary people of the spirit race and followed Jun Mohuang to the center of the city.

"Master Jun, Master Jun is here!"

Seeing the arrival of Jun Mohuang, the people of the Spirit Race immediately let out a warm cheer.

There are even some overly enthusiastic spirit races, constantly squeezing forward, and they must let Jun Mohuang see himself.

"Well, everyone calm down your excitement."

City Lord Ke stretched out his hand and pressed it down, and the excited spirit races immediately became quiet.

"Master Jun has arrived, now we will unveil the opening cloth!"

With a wave of the main hand of Ke Cheng, the red curtain covering the jade carving was lifted.

A lifelike jade sculpture is displayed in front of everyone.

The Emperor Mohuang carved from jade is exactly the same as she herself.

She appeared in the Heavenly Spirit Realm with true countenance, but covered her face with white gauze.

The same is true for jade carvings.

The jade carving is pure white, without any flaws.

It exudes a soft white light in the sun, holy and holy.

The spirit races stared at the jade carving, showing respect and awe.

When the dragons saw the jade carving of Jun Mohuang, they immediately exploded.

"Wow, my God, it's so good!"

"No, no, wait for this dragon... ahem, when I go back, I have to make a statue tree in the old nest to pay homage and worship every day."

In this way, they express their respect and love for the Queen.

"Unfortunately, such a good method was even thought of by the Spirit Race!"

Then the dragons began to feel annoyed again, why didn't they think of it first.

However, internal relations, these spirit races do not know the true face of the Queen, but they do.

The jade carvings they made for the Queen's tree were much better than the jade carvings made by these spirit races.

Thinking of this, the dragons turned from annoyance to pride.

Jun Mohuang saw himself a lot bigger in front of him, and he really wanted to turn his head and leave.

This is really embarrassing.

This group of dragons even had the idea of ​​erecting her statue in their old nest, and she must stop them.

"This group of people actually set up jade carvings for this untouchable!"

Liao Yongfu was limping, hiding in a dark corner, seeing all this clearly.

Today is updated...

Thank you 0728, Tamia if you wait for your baby's reward.

(End of this chapter)

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